Chapter Sixteen - The hard truth

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"Amity, honey, are you up yet?" Lilah called through the bedroom door.

Amity groaned and stretched. "Am now."

"Good because I have a meeting in ten minutes and I need to leave now."

"Okay. Will I see you later?"

"Hopefully I'll be back for dinner, baby."

Amity sat there in her bed, listening to Lilah's retreating footsteps, before she got up and got dressed.

* * * * * * * * * *

She was standing in front of her bathroom mirror, in a long, yellow sun dress and brushing her hair, when there was a knock on her bedroom door .

"Who is it?" She called, putting down the hairbrush.

A voice on the other side called back, "It's Derek. You decent?"

"Yeah. What do you want?"

"Can I come in? I have a surprise for you!"

"What type?"

"You'll see, just open the door."

With a sigh, she went to the door and slowly opened it, holding a tray with a stack on pancakes and assorted berries.

Amity gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. "Oh my. . .why?"

"I wanna apologize for. . .last night. I. . .I'm sure you're very confused right now."


Derek placed the tray at the end of Amity's bed and turned back to look at her. "I. . .I just wanted to say I was sorry for confusing you, I just wanted to try and help you, but honestly, I have no idea what is happening to you, but I do have a hunch."

"Fire away."

"We might have to talk to someone else about this, but. . .you might be a werewolf."

"A werewolf? How? Wouldn't I have shifted already? And. . .wouldn't my parents be werewolves too?"

"Not necessarily."


"You could be adopted."

"Wait. . .what?"

"I'm sorry. But you could."

"I. . .I. . .I. . .don't know what to say."

Derek gave her a small smile and went to her door, going to leave.

"Derek. . ."

He spun back around and looked at Amity as if he had just tried to commit a crime against her. "What?"

Amity handed him his robe and asked him, "Did you cook me breakfast all by yourself, or did the cooks help you?"

He smiled sheepishly. "I might have cooked them myself."

She giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Thank you. Nobody's done something like this in a while."

Derek pulled back and lifted an eyebrow at her. "Seriously?"

She nodded. "Why would that be a lie?"

"To make me feel better?"

"Get outta here! I'm gonna eat and call my mom."

"Okay. Tell me when you finish eating and I'll take the stuff down to the kitchen and. . ."

"I'll get it, now leave my room!"

Smiling, Derek left her room and shut the door.

* * * * * * * * * *

"Hey Mom," Amity said into the phone at her ear.

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