Chapter Twenty-five - Carli answers

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"You're a um. . ."

Carli smiled. "Vampire. Yes. And a friend of Derek's. He had to go out with Lilah, so he told me that if you went looking for him, that I'll have to fill in."

"Oh, okay. . ."

"What do you need?"

"I, um. . .how up to date are you with my. . .predicament?"

"Pretty caught up. I know about Lilah wanting you to take over the family business, and about your adopted dad knowing you're a werewolf, and about your real dad being Chris van Gahalin."

Amity stood there for a second, then sighed. "How much do you know about Lilah's studies?"

Carli turns to look at the kitchen staff, before taking off her hairnet and taking her brown hair from its bun, letting it fall around her shoulders.

She then grabbed Amity's wrist and left the other girl out of the Kitchen, to the Living Room, and up the staircase to the second floor.

She then led Amity into a door across the hall and three doors down from Derek's, and shut the door.

The room had white walls with gray black-out curtains, and a dark bedspread.

"I take it being a vampire means you're goth-ish," Amity breathed out.

Carli just smiled and shrugged. "I guess. So you want to know what I know about Lilah's studies?"

"If you can tell me, then yeah."

"Well I can tell you, I'm just not really allowed to."

"But I guess you will?"

"Yeah. Lilah doesn't have anything on me."

Amity smiled.

"So, Lilah studies every supernatural species, I'm sure you know them all by now?"


"Well, she mainly studies werewolves, because she feels like they are the only species who really likes blood, but she really doesn't know about vampires."

Amity nodded. "But do you know why she chose to only kill werewolves?"

"Well, long ago, way before Lilah's time, one of her great grandparents watched a wolf-like creature kill their father, and went on to seek revenge."

"Let me guess, was it one of my ancestors that killed Lilah's great grandparent?"

"You know it."


"Yep. But the thing is, the family has already sought revenge, and killed the wolf that did the killing."

"Then why is she hunting my real dad now?"

"That, nobody knows. Lilah wants Chris van Gahalin's head on a shish kabob and served medium rare."

"But that doesn't make any sense. If the death of her great grandparent has already been avenged, then why keep hunting? What does Chris van Gahalin have to do with it?"

Carli shrugged. "If I knew, I'd tell you. I'm guessing you're gonna have to help her tomorrow night?"

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"Tomorrow's the Full Moon. I shift tomorrow night. Either I play sick, or tell her, but I obviously can't tell her, but I also feel bad for lying to her. She never really lied to me."

"I. . .I don't know either, Amity."

Amity pulled her hair from her face and sighed. "Maybe I should tell her."

"But she'll kill you!" Carli's eyes went wide.

"Not if I'm in Europe."

"Huh? I'm a little confused."

"You see, Mr. and Mrs. Marra are in Europe, right?"

"Well, yeah. . ."

"So I call my dad, saying I suddenly want to go to Europe with them, Dad arrives and hour later by private jet, and as he helps me pack my bags, I tell Lilah about my being a werewolf, and boom. She knows, I'm leaving, I live."

"I don't know if it'll work though."

Amity sighed again. "You know what? You're right. Who am I kidding?"

"Maybe you should just agree to practice tomorrow, and play it by ear?"

Standing up, Amity nodded. "Might be for the best. The less Lilah knows about who I am, the better, right?"

Carli nodded. "It's for the best, Amity."


She went to the door, when Carli said, "Derek and I will help you. You know that, right? Besides you, we're the only supernaturals here. We all gotta stick together."

Amity smiled and opened the door. "I know."

She then left the room and went to her own for a nap before Lilah got back.

* * * * * * * * * *

"Amity, wake up," Derek's voice came.

Opening her eyes, she saw Derek standing over her, a grim look on his face.

She sat up and rubbed her eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Lilah wants you to meet her downstairs. She feels you two should eat together and discuss tomorrow."


"She insisted I wake you up and get you to come downstairs."

Amity nodded and got up, running her fingers through her hair. "I talked to Carli earlier."

"You did? Was she nice?"


"Good, now get downstairs."

Amity complied and made her way to the Dining Room, where Lilah was waiting for her.

"Hello, my lovely granddaughter."

"Hey, Grandma."

"So, are you excited for tomorrow?"

Salad was served, so Amity took a small bite and nodded, faking excitement. "Very."

"Great! We are finally gonna catch Chris van Gahalin, I can feel it."

Amity just smiled. Crap. This woman is a psychopath!

"So, I want you up and ready by seven thirty tomorrow, and then we'll begin target practice with your new bow, okay?"

Amity nodded. "Of course, I'll set an alarm and everything."

They then began to eat in silence, and Amity's ear tuned into a conversation going on upstairs.

"Are you sure? I don't know if she can keep up the act much longer. She's gonna spill sooner or later," Carli said.

"She's strong. I've known her since I was six. Amity can do this," Derek replied.

"Okay, I'll have to trust you–"

"Do you not believe that she is strong?"

"No, I do, I believe in all I am that Amity is a strong person, I'm just saying, when I was first turned into a vampire, I only kept it a secret for 72 hours. Then, I blabbed to my entire family."

"But that won't happen to Amity."

"Yeah, I believe that. She has people to talk to. I didn't."

"But you do now."

"Yeah. Thanks."

Amity smiled to herself and spoke aloud. "Yeah, I'm pretty excited."

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