Chapter Twenty-seven - I'm a. . .

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Amity could feel the Full Moon rising, and her whole being felt compelled to go stand under it and shift, but she held back, because Lilah was standing in front of her.

"Do we have everything?" Lilah asked?

Amity nodded. "I'm ready to go."

Lilah then turned to her and examined her. "You feeling okay?"


"You look. . .antsy and irritable."

Oh, I'm just ready to shift in the light if the Full Moon, that's all, Grandma. Besides that, I feel great! "I'm fine, Grandma. Really, I'm just excited."

Lilah nodded and handed Amity the bow case. "Let's get going then."

They began to head to the woods, when Lilah gasped and said, "Look at the beautiful Full Moon!"

Amity, who had been staring at the ground, gritted her teeth and glanced up before shrugging. "Looks the same as any other Full Moon."

"But this one feels different. I feel like something extraordinary is gonna happen tonight."

Yeah, you're gonna watch me turn all wolf and probably eat your ass. "Maybe. Just maybe."

They continued on their way, but Amity didn't breath any easier when they reached the woods, because she remembered turning into a werewolf and running wild and free through these very trees.

Tonight, I'm gonna die. There's no way around it. I'm gonna die tonight. That's the way it'll be.

As they neared an area Amity remembered resting in the last time she shifted, a dark figure ran past them, and Lilah stopped and gasped. "Chris van Gahalin!"

They watched the figure as it circled them, and Amity gritted her teeth even more, remembering her discussion with Carli and Derek earlier that day.

"You'll have a hard time tonight. Your body will be craving the shift, but you have to try to keep from doing so. At least in front of Lilah," Derek had said.

"But I'll probably die!" Amity had protested.

"Try not to," said Carli.

"I hate you." Amity scowled at them both.

They just smiled.

"I'm gonna be okay," Amity whispered to herself. "Just a little longer." I'm not gonna survive.

The future kept circling them, and Lilah was getting excited.

"Come on, Chris van Gahalin!" She shrieked.

Amity cringed. "Damn."

The figure stepped closer to them, and laughed a throaty laugh. "Hello, Lilah Marra." He then looked in Amity's direction. "Amity Marra."

Amity gulped and prayed it wasn't as loud to Lilah as it was for her. I'm roadkill baked at 750 degrees Fahrenheit.

The figure got closer. "What brings two pretty women like you out here?"

Lilah shrugged. "Business."

Then the roadkill was browned and put in a casserole and eaten by a fucking cow.

"Hmh. Do I happen to have something to do with that certain business?"

Lilah smiled. "Maybe."

Then the cow was eaten by a rabid dog and shit out by him.

"Then what can I do to help?"

"Stand real still and let my granddaughter kill you."

Then ran over forty-two times by a semi truck.



Then burnt up 100 percent by the fucking sun.

"What if I don't want to?"

"Too bad." Lilah then turned to her. "Shoot. Him."

Amity grabbed an arrow and knocked it, raising her bow and aiming for his chest.

She held it there, as she felt the moon's rays hitting her back, and her breath caught.

I can't do this. "You have to," She whispered to herself.

He's my own kind. "He has nothing on you, shoot him."

I'd be a murderer. "Lilah will kill you if she found out.

I can't, though. "Do it, just shoot the son of a bitch."

I. Can't. "Aim. Shoot. Fire."

"Amity," Lilah stopped her. "What's taking you so long?"


"Then take your chance."

Amity breathed in, and got ready to release her arrow, when the words he had said earlier hit her in the gut.

"You know you'll have to tell. It's the only way."

"Shoot the fucker." I can't.

With a defeated sigh, she put down her bow and turned back to Lilah. "I can't shoot him. I'm sorry."

"Why not? He's right there!"

"I. Just. Can't."


Amity breathed out and looked at Chris van Gahalin. He was smirking in the moonlight.

She felt it hit her back, arms, and head. It felt like pins and needles, her body craving the change. She wouldn't last much longer.

"Because I'd be a murderer."

"No, you'll be a hero. I don't know who told you that, but it's not true."

"But it is. I can't kill him."

"Why can't you, Amity? Why. Can't. You?"

"Because he's my father!"

Lilah was taken aback. "What?"

"I'm a fucking werewolf, Lilah!"

"You're a. . .what?"

"Werewolf! The creature you hunt and kill? I'm a fucking wolf that's human on everything day but the Full Moon! I'm gonna change in a few minutes, and probably eat your sorry ass."

"Are you kidding me?"

Amity could feel her skin tingle, and felt the shift starting. "See for yourself."

She felt her body change. Her legs shrunk, her arms grew, her face grew into a snout, and her body grew fur.

She felt her spine elongate into a tail, and soon, she was full full wolf.

"You're a. . .what. . .?"

Lilah stood there, staring at her granddaughter, her eyes wide.

Slowly, she began to step closer to her, and Amity tucked her tail in fear. But, she wasn't all too scared, because she knew Chris van Gahalin would protect her with his life.

Lilah knelt down and gently took Amity's furry face in her hands. "Amity?"

Amity dipped her head, and licked Lilah's cheek, when she felt a head touch her side.

Amity turned her head to see Chris van Gahalin in wolf form, looking at Amity, beaconing her to follow him.

He spun and began to head in the opposite direction, so Amity went to follow him, before looking back at Lilah, who still looked bewildered.

Is she gonna kill me?

Amity just looked back at her father, and walked behind him, letting him lead the way to their destination.

I guess I'll find out in the morning.

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