Chapter Twenty-eight - We're family

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The sun rose on the horizon, and Amity ambled towards her grandmother's house, hoping for the best. She hoped she'd live to see her sixteenth birthday.

She crossed the large backyard, heading silently for the backdoor, hoping for the best. She looked around her, and saw that Lilah had left out the target they'd practiced on yesterday, and that the dew was still heavy on the blades of grass.

Amity went to the backdoor and tried it, only to find that it was unlocked. Her mind screamed warning, but her heart told her to go into the house.

But what if she kills me?

She didn't know what would be wise; staying outside the door, away from Lilah, or going inside the house to see the awaiting Lilah.

In the end, she chose to slowly open the door and go inside. There was nobody near the backdoor, so she slowly crept down the hall, towards the staircase, tiptoeing up it one step at a time, hoping nobody heard her.

She got to the second floor with no problem, but then a hand shot out and grabbed her arm and tugged into the awaiting room.

Amity was greeted with a big bear hug by two different people, whom she only assumed were Derek and Carli, and as they pulled away, she knew she was correct.

"Is she mad?" Amity asked, twiddling her thumbs.

"She didn't seem mad when she came in last night," Carli replied, looking at Derek for help.

"Not that Carli and I were spying on her or anything."

Amity giggled and hugged them both. "Thank you. Did you think she shot me?"

"We were a little worried, but we didn't see any blood on her hands," Derek said, shrugging.

"Where is she? Do I need to be careful today?"

"She's in town," Carli said, putting a hand on Amity's shoulder. "You're safe for another hour. Derek will text you when she's back, won't you Derek?"

"Why do I have to be the one to text her? Why can't you two exchange numbers?" He sounded exasperated.

Carli rolled her eyes, and Amity knocked him, but Amity ended up grabbing a piece of paper and scribbling down her number, before handing it to the other girl.

"Both of you will text me when she comes?"

They both nodded and Amity left the room, going to her own to shower and change from her all night rampage through the woods.

* * * * * * * * * *

As she stepped out of the bathroom, while pulling her hair up, she heard her phone ping from her nightstand.

Amity went over to it, and opened up the message. It was from an unknown number, but the number made it pretty identifiable.

From Unknown #: She's here.

Two seconds later, she got a text from a different contact, so she opened it, and it was the exact same.

From Derek: Lilah just pulled into the driveway. Be careful.

She sent them each a thumbs up emoji, and changed the unknown number contact to Carli, and sat the phone down. She stretched out on the bed, and closed her eyes, now exhausted.

It seemed only five minutes passed when a knock came on the door, followed by Lilah's voice. "Amity, you in there?"

Amity stood and opened the door to see a worried looking Lilah on the other side. "Yeah. I'm back."

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