Chapter Twenty-three - No.

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When Amity came to, she heard arguing. The voices sounded oddly familiar, voices she hadn't heard in a while.

She sat up and looked to where the voices came from, and she was her parents arguing. "Mom? Dad?"

Their heads snapped in her direction, and soon, she was enveloped in their embrace, and had both her parents fussing over her like she was a two year old girl.

"I'm fine," she croaked out, prying her parents off her. "Just passed out, I guess."

"What happened?" Jana asked with concern heavily lacing her voice.

Brady held his daughter to his chest as she shrugged.

"What does that mean?" He asked, his voice surprisingly soft. "Your mother and I flew in from Europe only after a two week stay, when Lilah called and said you passed out."

"How long have I been out?" She asked, looking from one parent to the other.

"About a day, baby. Are you sure you don't remember what happened?"

Oh, I absolutely remember what happened. I just don't want to tell you. She shook her head. "I can't."

Jana nodded and kissed her forehead. "Do you want to come home, baby?"

Amity shook her head and sat up. "I like it here, Mom! I really do! I don't need to go back home yet, do I?"

Brady sighed and looked at his wife. "I. . .Amity, are you sure?"

She nodded. "I'm fine, guys. I really, really want to stay here!"

Jana sighed and stood up. "Okay. Your father and I will stay tonight, then we will go back to the airport tomorrow. Then we will see you at the end of the summer. Okay?"

Amity nodded as her mom gestured for her dad to follow her, but Brady shook his head. "I want to talk with Amity for a second."

With a small nod, Jana left the room and shut the door gingerly behind her.

"What's up, Dad?" She felt weird saying that, since she knew he wasn't her real dad.

"I know, Amity."

She looked at him, confused. "You know why I passed out?"

He shook his head and leaned closer. "Baby, I know that you're a werewolf."

Amity's eyes went wide and she stared at her dad in shock. The man, who was supposed to inherit the family business, knew that the girl he raised was a werewolf.

He chuckled. "Why do you think I didn't take over the family business? Because I had adopted a baby werewolf."

"Does Grandma know?"

"She knows your adopted, but Ammy," He used one of Amity's old nicknames that her papa had given her. "If she knew, she would probably kill you. You are of no use to her. She would kill you in a heartbeat."

"Does Mom know?"

He shook his head. "If she knew. . .God. She'd die, baby. Your mom is fragile. She hides it, but she is. Always has been. Ever since she was seven and she watched a so called 'monster' kill her dad."

"Monster? Killed her dad?"

Brady nodded. "It was really a werewolf. In full wolf form." He then shook his head and changed the subject back to Amity. "Have you shifted yet?"

She nodded.

"Was there anyone who'd help you?"


The Full Moon Spellजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें