Chapter Twenty-six - Practice

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The alarm sounded, and Amity groaned and rolled over to turn in off. "I really, really, really don't wanna do this."

She got up and waddled into the bathroom to shower.

When she was done, she blow dried her hair and put it up in a messy bun before jumping into a lacy white tank top with a black jacket over it and putting on black skinny jeans and her lace up black boots.

Amity then went downstairs and was given a breakfast bar by Carli and led towards the back door by both her and Derek.

"So, keep up the act, okay?" Derek asked as she took a bite.

She nodded.

"And don't give off any hints about your were identity, okay?" Carli said.

Another nod and another bite.

"And later, we'll figure out tonight. Okay?" Derek said.

Amity swallowed the last of the breakfast bar and said, "I'll be fine, guys. But I appreciate you two for caring. Gotta go."

She raced out the door and made her way to where Lilah was standing with the bow, about ten meters from the target.

"Ready?" Lilah asked.

Amity nodded. "Let's do this."

"Do you know how to shoot a bow?"

Amity nodded again and took the bow from her. She knocked an arrow, pointing it at the ground, and slowly pulled the string back as she lifted it to the target.

She aimed, breathed out, and shot.

The arrow flew, and hit the red.

"Very good. But you want to get closer to the bullseye. Okay?"

"I know, Grandma."


* * * * * * * * * *

"Grandma, can I go inside yet? My arms are sore."

"You need more practice, though."

"Can't it just be an hour long break? Eat some lunch? I've been practicing for four hours straight."

"Fine. But only an hour."

Amity gently sat her bow down and raced inside, heading to the Kitchen. "Can I please have a sandwich?"

The cook nodded and began to grab the bread. "What type, Miss. Mara?"

"Turkey, please."

"Will do. How was target practice?" He handed the sandwich to Amity.

She shrugged. "It was fine. I get an hour break. Thank you."

He nodded and continued on dinner. "Do you know if Mrs. Marra will be eating here tonight?"

"I don't know. I can ask–"

"No, no, not necessary. She will let us know, I just thought to ask ahead of time."

Amity nodded and left the Kitchen, eating her sandwich and climbing the stairs, when Lilah called, "Remember, only an hour!"

"I know!" Amity's voice was muffled by the food in her mouth.

She sighed and went to the second floor, but was soon pulled into a familiar room, and Carli and Derek were staring at her.

Amity swallowed her food and looked at them, curious. "What?"

"How did it go?" Carli asked.

"Fine. I have an hour break before we go practice more."

"You two still going out tonight?" Derek asked.

"As far as I know."

He sighed and looked over at Carli in defeat.

* * * * * * * * * *

"Bullseye!" Amity shouted happily.

"Good job, now go get it and shoot again."

Amity did just that, but this time, the arrow flew past the target, and into the woods. "Damn."

"Go get it."

She did, and cautiously trudged through the woods, looking for her wayward arrow.

Amity spotted it and bent to pick it up, when a rustling in the bushes startled her. "Hello?"

It rustled some more, before a wolf jumper out, and Amity jumped back and fell onto her butt.

The wolf changed, and there stood Chris van Gahalin.

"Mr. van Gahalin," Amity breathed out.

"What are you doing here, daughter?"

"I. . .I'm not. . .um. . ."


"I gotta go. . ." She stood and walked back the way she came.

"You know you'll have to tell. It's the only way."

Amity just booked it out of the woods.

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