42. New Colleagues

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"Good Morning, everyone!"

Feng Jiu excitedly walked into the office. She was in good spirits, and she also bought coffee for Si Ming and Xiao Yan. She felt even better when she found out that Ji Heng won't be in the office today as well.

"Thanks, Si Ming. I appreciate everything that you have done for me, and I'm so glad to be back at work!" She thanked Si Ming.

"Hey, that's what friends are for. But getting free coffee is nice too!" He smiled at her and sipped on his coffee.

Xiao Yan then ran into the office, "Feng Jiu! I missed you, and it was so boring in the office when you're not around! I'm sorry that Ji Heng fired you, and I'm sure she didn't do it on purpose." He frowned and then he turned over to Si Ming and asked excitedly, "Where are the other two new colleagues?! Can't wait to meet them!"

"It's okay, Xiao Yan. It's not your fault, and I missed you too! Wait, new colleagues?" Feng Jiu asked curiously.

"Oh my! I forgot to inform you that there would be two people joining our team, from today onwards." Si Ming replied to Feng Jiu. Then he turned back to Xiao Yan, "There's no need to be this excited, Xiao Yan! They came earlier on, but they went down to the Administration office to get their work passes."

"Oh! That would be nice, and I hope that they will be easy to get along with!" Feng Jiu replied excitedly. "Don't worry about that. They are really nice people, and they used to work for me at my previous company too. Tai Chen Group managed to clinch a big project from Fan Yin Investment, and our team was assigned to it, so be prepared to be busy for the next two months."

"It's fine, Si Ming. I needed the extra money anyway, so I don't mind staying back late."

The two new colleagues walked into the office and entered Si Ming's office. Then Si Ming called for Xiao Yan and Feng Jiu to come into his office too.

"Meet your new colleagues. Go on, introduce yourselves." Si Ming said.

"Hi! Welcome to our wonderful team. I'm Yan Chiwu, but you can just call me Xiao Yan! Our team is the best, and we have a 'top beauty' in our team too. It's Feng Jiu! But if you're thinking of chasing her, I would have to wish good luck to you." Xiao Yan then pointed towards Feng Jiu, and she blushed.

"You're spewing nonsense again, Xiao Yan! And yes, my name is Feng Jiu, as mentioned by Xiao Yan. It's nice to meet both of you, and let me know if you need any help! I heard that both of you used to work under Si Ming, so I'm sure you know how it's like to work under his team! We should definitely go to dinner together to welcome both of you to the team. Tonight perhaps?"

"I don't mind having dinner together, and I'm free tonight anyway! Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Jie Lu, and it's so nice to meet you too! And this is my cousin, Xiangli Meng, but everyone just calls him Meng Shao." Jie Lu then pulled Meng Shao over and asked him to introduce himself.

"Hi... Feng Jiu. I actually know you back in school. It's nice to meet you finally..." Meng Shao was visibly shy.

"Oh? Do you know me? Hey, don't be nervous! We are all friendly!" Feng Jiu patted Meng Shao's shoulder, and he flinched. Jie Lu then whispered to Feng Jiu, "He's just shy, don't worry about it. It would take him some time to warm up."

Feng Jiu then whispered back, "Ah. That would make sense. Don't worry. I'll give Meng Shao some time to warm up!"

Xiao Yan then added on, "Yeah, friendly. Only friendly until she meets her suitors."

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