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So I'm just going to give you all a quick run down on this story. Feel free to skip it as this is just giving a description about the four main characters.

So Brooklyn is a Gryffindor, her full name is Brooklyn Georgia Carson. She is best friends with the Marauders, The Angels and Lilly Evans, she is also close with Marlene and Alice. She is a pure blood but doesn't give a crap about people's blood status. She dislikes a few Slytherins and has a fake rivalry with Tamsin Wood.

Arden is a Ravenclaw, her full name is Arden Mary Thomas. She is best friends with the Angels and Isla Mason is friends with Jade Smith, and Reyna Louis. She is a half blood, she dislikes some Slytherins.

Millicent is a Hufflepuff, her full name is Millicent Ruby Barnes. She is best friends with the Angels and Hally Pearce, and is friends with Amos Diggory, Jane Forster. She is friends with everyone and dislikes nobody. She is a half blood.

Tamsin is a Slytherin, her full name is Tamsin Jemma Wood. She is best friends with the Angels and Adele Park, she is friends with Honey Smith and Lana Wilson. She dislikes most Gryffindors, some Ravenclaws and the Marauders (mutual), she has a fake rivalry with Brooklyn. She is a pureblood but doesn't care however she has to pretend to be blood prejudice.

Together these four girls make up the Secret Angels, more commonly known as the Angels. Hopefully that doesn't form any confusion, however if it did it will hopefully be solved in future chapters. If not don't hesitate to comment and I'll give clarification.

This story will be told from the first person perspective except for the first chapter, that is told from the third.

Enjoy reading!


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