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<Sean POV>

'Dude, what the fuck?' Julian asked me as he welcomed himself into my house a few minutes after Tate left. 'So you're just going to leave for three months to France and not tell me. And you know what the worst part is, my own friend couldn't even tell me. I had to find out through an Instagram post. What the fuck, Sean?' Julian screamed.

'I know, I know Jules. I just accepted the offer like half an hour again and everything just started happeneing' I replied.

'Everything just started happening' Julian scoffed.

'I always go away to China for three months what's the big difference?' I asked him using Tate's reference.

'What the big difference? Well when you go to China, you actually have the audacity to tell me.' Julian replied bitterly.

'It's not even that long' 

'I don't give a fuck about how long you're going for, I care that you didn't tell me or anybody for that fact. You probably only told Kaycee' Julian gritted angrily. I looked down at my feet as I started to fidget with my hand nervously.

'No you didn't. You didn't tell Kaycee, did you?  What the fuck is actually wrong with you? She's your partner, bro. She deserve s to know' Julian asked me shocked.

'Trust me, she won't care' I replied back nervously.

'I didn't want to say something before, but ever since you got with Tate, you've started to become ignorant. That's not the Sean that I know. You rarely spend time with us and when you do it has to be to Tate's liking' Julian confessed.

'Dude, I have a girlfriend. She's my girlfriend. When all of you guys stop talking to me, when you get all mad at me or something, she'll be all I got' 

'An what is she gets mad at you. What if you two break up. Then who will you have, Sean. Huh?' Julian retorted. Damn.

'Look, I'm sorry. I should have said something earlier. But it is what it is. I can't change anything now' I told him lowering my voice.

'So now-' but Julian got cut off when the doorbell rang. Fantastic! Another person I have to deal with. I walked towards the door slowly as I shakes out my nerves and placed one hand on the doorknob. Here goes nothing.

I closed one of eyes as I peeked through the other, to see who it was. Fear instantly started to eat me up as I saw Tahani standing cross armed, with anger written all over her face on the other side. Tahani and I were pretty close, but she was definitely closer to Kaycee, and if anything happened to Kaycee then Tannai had her back.

'Fucking bastard' Tahani muttered under her breath as she walked in.

'Look I'm so-'

'I don't want to hear it. You hurt K. You hurt all of us. I hope you're happy now.' Tahani said rather calmly.

'He hurt K? What did you do?' Julian chimed in. I swiped my palm against my forehead as I let out many heavy breaths.

'We just got into a fights, that's all. She doesn't give a fuck anyways' I answered.

'She doesn't give a fuck? Yeah that's why she's at home crying. Definitely because she doesn't give a fuck' Tahani said raising her voice.

'You've fucking passed the limits, if you've hurt K. She's meant to be happy, dude. It's just who she is. And if you've hurt her enough to make her cry then your an asshole' Julian snapped at me, not making direct eye contact.

'I'm sorry. I told her I was sorry. What else can I do?' I asked the two of them

'Grow a fucking brain' Tahani spat.

'T, I'm sorry for hurting Kayc. Everything just appended so fast tha-'

'You don't get to call her Kayc, after what you've done. I'm done talking to you. Bye Lewser' Tahani said walking speedily to the front door.

'Me too, dude' Julian told me. I looked in his eyes for something, anything. And for a second I swear I could see apology in his eyes, but it was quickly replaced with fury. The second they left, I rushed down into the garage as I turned on some music, but instead of dancing I sat down as I leaned my head onto the door. Why is my life so complicated?

<Kaycee POV>

I had just ended my call with a Tahani. She told me that she was going to talk some sense into Sean but after I begged her not to, she finally agreed. But... knowing Tahani she'd probbaly do it anyways. That's my girl.

What has my life turned into? Just two weeks ago, everything felt so right, so perfect. And now everything between me and Sean is messed up, just because of my stupid feelings. Why? Just why?

'Hey K. You feeling alright?' Kylie asked me when I walked downstairs. I nodded my head at her before I made my way to the kitchen for a snack. My mom and Devon looked at me apologetically as I took out some waffles, cream and strawberries.

'Well that's great. That means we can go prom dress shopping tomorrow' Kylie squealed. I swear to God.

'Actually, I change my mind. I don't think I'm alright' I joked.

'Oh come on, K'

'As much as I'd love for K to go dress shopping tomorrow, she's got a class to attend. If I were you Ky, I'd dedicate a whole day for dress shopping' my mom told us.

'Perfect' I shouted smiling cheekily at Kylie, but my smile wobbled instantly when I realized what was happening tomorrow. Tomorrow is Jojo's class, which I agreed to go with Sean. It's a stupid partner class. Ughhh. And it gets worse. Myself along with my friends agreed to go get a bite to eat afterwards. Could it get any worse than this?

'Well, by the look on your face, I'm pretty sure you'd rather go dress shopping' Kylie laughed.

'No... I um- was just thinking. I'm so excited to go to class tomorrow' I told Kylie looking away from her. There was no way I was going to admit that I'd rather go dress shopping than dance. She'd never let me live it down.

Cheers to tomorrow! It's probaly going to be the worst day of my entire life!






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