Chapter 2

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Ram's POV

'Duen how could you leave me in the library yesterday? I slept too much that when I woke up, the library was close, and I was left inside, i didn't have my phone with me, and why was that you ask? Because it was with you!'

I told him, poking his shoulder. He looked at me worry in his eyes.

"Aww Im sorry ram' duen said in a cute way, pouting a little bit but it aint gonna work on me. "but, but its not my fault." I raised my eyebrow "You fucked too much last night with... with that..." he stopped getting a little bit red,looking for the right word. "Skank prae" he cringed for the word he chose describing the girl I slept with the other night, "why do you even do that woman. I mean I won't judge you when you sleep with anything that breathes, but please not to that whore." He cringed again. Entertaining "You know she sleeps with almost everyone, you might get a disease or something. Im just worried for you. Your my bestfriend." I cracked a smile when he said skank, his cute image doesn't makeup for his choice of words, funny.

"Please nahh, don't even go near her anymore pleaseeeeee"

"Ok ok ok, what can I do when your making that ugly face. Whatever, when I came to this university I heard people talk about that 2nd year girl who is good in bed. Disappointing tho, she screamed too much like a horse. Plus too much hair, I don't do hair. I just wanted to try her for a little bit" i shrugged "But I promise not to do it again. I'll even have myself checked tomorrow, so you won't worry anymore, ok?" I said ruffling his hair.

Duen smiled widely that I can't see his eye no longer "ok 😄"

"Hey guys, lets go to the cafeteria Im starving, Phu and tang said, they will meet us their. They met with the tutor after class and I can't wait anymore" Ting said. "Lets go" She started pushing us forward towards the direction of the college cafeteria.

"3 pad thai and 2 milk shake please and a bottle of water"

"I'll have the ramen and 4 cheese balls with a can of sprite please." I ordered.

The food here in the college is the best among the other colleges. Its not the fanciest compared to the college of med, but thats what adds to the charm, plus duen even comes here for lunch. Well he comes for me. I waited for duen to finish ordering and got our food. We went to an empty table, which people started to call our table as to no one sits here but us. Our group actually have that reputation ever since, even in first year we are quite known. Ting, is a vlogger with 900k plus subscribers and going up as of the moment. Phu and tang are the smart asses of our year, they were selected to compete to an all university engineering quiz bee for first years, yeah those 2 fuckers, They don't even look smart how is that possible.

I on the other hand, well people call me fuck boy, but please... It was my reputation in high school but now, I do sleep around once in a while but not much already. So I don't really know why they call me that. Uhmmm ok whatever, i sleep around. They come to me though, so Its not my fault. Plus they know better I don't do relationship. Lastly is duen, well we became particularly known because of him. Cause that fucking Bohn the head hazer, is courting him. WHICH I don't approve of! But i will let him decide for himself and support in the background. If he ever tried to hurt my friend. I don't care that he is mighty in this college. I will hurt him.

"Guys" Someone talked loudly. I turned around and saw the guy from the library last night. I remember his face, well he grabbed my arm because he was scared of the dark so I quite saw his features. I was playing with my food head a little bit down and followed him with my eyes.

"No drinking tonight, we need to finish the project to be passed tomorrow. It should have been finished today, but you fuckers never even tried to look for me last night, I was locked in the library last night! All alone!, what! What urg, no complaining or I will go with the other groups. We could have done it last night and finished it today and drink tonight." He was talking loudly to his friends. Everyone was quiet since that was the head hazzers table.

"Im sorry nahhh king, mek, boss and I was in the mall yesterday. We totally forgot the time. We are very sorry" tee begged I didn't quite hear the name of the guy from last night

"And where the fuck is bohn huh? I need an explanation" He was slightly pissed. He was brushing his hair and hands on his waist. Tapping his foot on the floor. The 3 other seniors had their heads down as if they were being punished.

Bohn came and put his arm on the guys shoulder. "Hello my very very bestest friend of all, what did I do to have this honor of you calling my name, angrily in this very nice afternoon?" Bohn put his chin on the shoulder of the guy. Everyone was still quiet, well, this is the times when they see bohn like this showing a kind perosnality, most of the time he has his 'fuck off' face. I looked at Duen and he was looking at his plate, blushing, I glared a little bit at duen. I need to talk to him later.

"You you you!" The guy pinched Bohns ears "ow ow owwwww"

"Where were you last night huh? Im the room next to yours and you know we scheduled a project last night. Why didn't you look for me for the project making?." The guy was now confronting the head hazer

"Excuse me, need to go. I have class in 10 minutes and the medicine building is quite far. Byeeeee" duen said, picking his bag and all. He left quickly

"Aw Im so sorry king nahhhh, I actually went out to surprise Duen and we had dinner last night"

That fucker, i haven't had the chance to talk to him. Thats why he went out rushing. Phu nudged me

"Ram what are you looking at?" Phu followed my eyes and saw who I was looking.

"Oh please don't bother P'king he is a kind guy, and he is straight he doesn't even sleep with girls Or thats what I heard. He is the representative of the university when they were in first years to the scholastic event. He won and was the pride of our college. He is helping tang and I in our preparation for the event. Don't even think about going after him, he is too pure for you. He is not worth putting his name on your 'done that' list because he is not like that"

Ohhhh so his name is king. Wearing a blue jacket, he is a senior and 3rd year since he is in class with Bohn.

"Yeah yeah" i said. Looking down at my food and continue eating my food.

Ting talked for hours and I was not even listening. I was just eating and glanced once in a while to the guy named king. I was picking my food with the fork and just play with it while stealing a glance.

*nudge* damnit.

"What?" I said in a bored tone

"Don't even try. Stop it" phu hissed.

Shit. I cursed

Note: im sorry nah guys, I might still edit stuff here and there since Im still trying to make my story and the way it goes. Thank you if your reading this hahaha. I will try to make it more juicier 😂

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