Chapter 27

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Ram's POV

"Eiiii your too excited for yourself ram" my mom teased me.

James informed us that P'King have arrived at home an hour ago. We finished our shopping faster than expected and headed home right away.

That fucker, kept it a secret again from me. I should have expected it.

I want to see him this instant.

"Sin, step on the gas will you." I called on to our driver.

After an a hour on the road, I see the estate from a far.

I took off my seat belt.

"Ram! Put your seat belt back on this instant" my mom angrily said.

"But mom, our home is there. 20 seconds tops"

"Are you talking back to your mother?" She glared at me

"Your walking on hot eggshells right now ram" P'Forth said

"Urg" i put it back on.

Seconds later, we parked in.

I ran out first towards the house.

"P!" I screamed as I enter. "P'King!" I screamed louder

"Shut your trap ram, i believe the neighbor 3 miles away can hear you screaming like a dog on labor or something" P'Yihwa said smacking my head in the process and walking away. Her heels stomping the floor.

I glared at her. The fuck is her problem, if I know she want to see P'King as much as I do.

My family in fact do. They are so fond of him that they spoil him as much.

"P! P'King!"

"Young master!" Auntie Mae welcomed us.

"Auntie, where is P'King?"

"Young master, master king went to meet you" she said

"What do you mean?" I ask.

Soon my family came in.

"The bouquet, here."

She pointed at the huge flower arrangement on the table.

"That looks nice, but who sent it?" P'Beam ask.

I pick the card and read it.

Whats happening?

Why is my name written in there?

"Oh Wait, didn't you said P'King didn't tell you anything about his early arrival? How come you manage to send a welcome one?" P'Beam ask again.

"Where did this come from auntie?" I worriedly ask.

This is not good.

"It came in right after you have left this morning young master. Master King said, it was from you. I prepared his meal when he returned but he denied it saying that he will meet you in the century hotel. He left excitedly" Now she answered worriedly.

"But I didn't send this"

Aunt Mai gasp.

The room now turned quiet.

"Then who was it from? It was hours ago since young master have left. I believe he arrived in there already"

"No no nooo"

I hurriedly look for my phone. I remember leaving it in my room.

We had a rule that when we leave as a family, to enjoy the time, we need to leave our phones behind.

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