Chapter 10

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Ram's POV

I followed him to the back of the hotel as he ran. The back of the hotel is a big forest with lights on the trees. Its a very romantic place but its not the time for that. We are now in the middle of the forest.

"P'king wait!" I called him. I ran faster towards him and grabbed his arm.

"Let go of me!" He snarled, pulling away with so much force that I staggered a few steps. There was a long pause.

I went near him. I want to hug him.

"Don't you dare! Don't you dare ram! I hate you!" He shouted as he faced me. Tears flowed from his eyes. His eyes covered with sadness and pain. My heart is aching by the pain I gave to him.

"P let me explain" as I extended my arms to put him in my embrace. He pushed my hands away and slapped me.

"I think you're misunderstanding the situation P" i begged. My eyes is starting to tear up.

"No, I think YOU are misunderstanding something." He hissed coldly. "You don't just go around playing with other people's feelings like that, you don't cuddle with them in bed, call and say that you miss them. Tell them that you want to hear their voice and then ask them to kiss you! You don't just mess around with their feelings like that when your just going to sleep around with another girl!" He shouted at me while tears was dropping continuously

"I've never been interested in guys!" He said angrily "You seriously think you can change that? Just because your good looking, you act like you care about me. Bring me food and drinks. Kiss me and snuggle with me, it doesn't mean im gonna fall for your charm" he cried harder as he said everything that we have been doing together in pain. "Just because I gave you a chance, doesn't mean I will like you as well! How could you go around flirting with girls wearing lingerie when you had me waiting in our room ! Who gave you the permission to fucking cheat! I fucking hate you ram! I hate you so much!" He cried.

I know he is mad. He is mad and I know all he is saying is out of anger. I can see in his eyes, he is sad, disappointed, furious but most of all he is hurt.

"I didn't touch her P" i said. He rolled his eyes.

"Right" he snorted. He started to walk away from me

I grabbed his wrist and spun him around. Taking his face with my hands and smashing my lips against his. His eyes widen as he tried to pull away, but i refuse to let him go. He squirmed in my grasp, but after a few seconds of trying to fight back, he gave in.

He finally gave access as he parted his lips, our tongue dancing against one another. I finally pulled away. My hands still on his cheeks as he gasped for oxygen.

"You're cute when you're mad P" i panted, resting my forehead against his "i couldn't resist."

"Let go," he growled despite the fact that he kissed me back. I hugged him

"P I didn't touch her" I said. "She wanted to sleep with me and took her clothes off even though I refused. I was about to leave and go back to you, but then you saw us." I explained.

"Liar," he spat coldly. But i looked at him with such genuine eyes that it was hard to believe that what I was saying wasn't true. I can't lose him.

"Why would I touch her when the only person I wan't to touch is you?" I argued in a low husky voice as i looked into his eyes i could see the heat growing in his cheeks.

"I don't know maybe your just horny" he mumbled hoarsely.

"P'king" i siged in frustraton "I was never messing you you. Eveything I did and said was genuine. I would have never done that if I didn't love you"

His brows slowly furrowed.

"Did... did you just say you love me?" He ask

"Yes I did and I know you love me as well, but You don't have to say you love me just because I said I love you P. But allow me to love you nah?" I pecked his lips and I kissed his tear stained eyes.

"I love you so much P, and I won't allow anyone to break what we have."

He put his head on my chest as I kissed his head.

"Lets go back to our room you must be tired"

Forth's POV

Beam and I was in the forest of the Hotel i built for him. We were both in each others arms as we sway together. We left the party inside and went here i have our alone time.

"I love you beam"

"I love you too forth, thank you" oh goodness I love him

Let go of me!

What was that?

Beam stopped and asked "whats that?"

I shrugged, "Sounds like an argument to me"

I have never been interested in guys! Someone shouted.

"Oh juicy, sounds just like us. Come on let's go check it out" Beam said. I know he wanted to eavesdrop so badly.
Aw babe, noooooo. Let them b, this is our moment!" he smacked my head and dragged me.

We spied from a far. Not too far for us not to hear the conversation and not too near to be seen.

Beam gassed. I followed what he saw.

Ohhhhh its my brother ram and a guy fighting. We were both gaping from afar as we saw and heard everything thats happening in front of our eyes.

Lets go back to our room you must be tired ram said lovingly to the guys he is hugging.


I decided to put the 😉 in the next chapter, cause I want it to have its own chapter alone. Stay tuned 😍

My engineer (RamKing ff)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt