Chapter 7

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King's POV

"....If you go to the market and you buy a pound of bananas, are you buying a mass of bananas that weighed one pound? But how do you determine? Where do you put the bananas? On the scale! A scale is measuring what? A force. And so the british said since we buy our bananas we should put it on a scale and weigh a pound. We don't wanna say we bought a pound force of bananas. We are gonna say we brought a pound of bananas. So why don't we make the pound force and the pound mass the same on earth? You don't have to worry about this in the grocery store, 'you can't charge me a pound mass of bananas when I actually measured pound force on you scale' so and so forth. You can complain about the calibration in the spring constant and so forth and just take the bananas and walk away. So how do you make the pound mass and the pound force the same? And still be consistent with newtons law?........."

I usually listen carefully in my lecture every time, but this time I just can't focus. The incident yesterday in the gardens with ram. It felt good, too good to be exact. I still don't know what I am feeling and thats what keeping me restless at night. I accepted it since He kept on ignoring me. At least that junior won't hide from me anymore.

I looked at my friends beside me, Bohn is trying to listen and taking down notes aggressively. Mek is massaging Boss hands while he is sleeping.

This chemical engineering lecture is so boring.

"...Well first of all the acceleration we are talking about is 32.2 feet per second square cause thats the acceleration for gravity so that has to go with A, alright?. And we said that pound force is on the left and pound mass is on the right, and you got 32.2 feet per second square which means you need to put up a constant G sub C which is equal to 32.2 pound mass foot per pound force second square........" our professor kept on blabbering. Since i started to pay no attention in class for 5 mins now I can't understand and can't catch up to what the professor is teaching. Damn.

I looked at bohn to ask for notes since he was listening intently a while ago. But as I thought, His attention span is so short that he already exploded. We started at 8 this morning and what time is it? 11:50 am. I don't blame bohn I myself is hungry already, I didn't have breakfast.

"....So when you stick it in here it is consistent. If you put 32.2 feet per second in A and you put this G sub C in the denominator, the newtons law give you

1 pound force = 1 pound mass

But really what you should be putting here is a pound sub F for pound force and a pound sub M for pound mass when you use this and stick in this G sub C this gravitation constant." The professor ended his lecture.

I looked ahead in front.

"I guess thats it for today, we will continue this next week. But for the meantime I will be giving out things to do at home, to be passed the day before our scheduled class next week....." he kept on giving out instructions. I can't manage to listen as My muscles are restless from the long lecture.

"Class mayors I will be sending you the assignment in your emails. Thank you and have a good day" the professor gathered his things and went out the door.

Once he is out, the students started to stand up and leave the classroom. Lunch I need lunch.

"Lets go guys" Bohn said standing up and walked towards the cafeteria

My engineer (RamKing ff)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin