Chapter 26

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Kings POV

"Incoming" Bohn mumbled lowly enough for me to hear. He was looking the other way.

I raised my brows.

"King Bohn I hate you guys. I can't believe you left me with P'Son in there!" Mek grumbled walking to our direction.

I crack a smile and so did Bohn.

"You seriously did it on purpose! I can't believe it!" Mek sat on the head of the table, placing his tray down.

Mek had his internship in construction for 5 months and was assigned offshore for another 5. Luckily, the construction company where he has his internship was the sister company of ours. Now the gang is almost complete. Boss is the only one missing. He was taking his internship in his families company.

Eversince meks arrival, the head in the electrical lab called dibs on him. P'Son can be really complicated. You see, he is gay. I mean, gay-gay. He wears make-up, short shorts and sometimes long hair wigs.

Don't get me wrong, he is good at his job, thats why he is the head of the electrical lab. Everyone, respects him so much and so are we. The good thing about our company is that we don't discriminate and I love it. The only thing about P'Son is that, he can be really 'in your face' when he realizes that you single and his type.

Thats what happened to Mek. P'Son have been giving him gifts of all sorts. Favoring him, giving him iced coffees and early breaks. We always tease Mek, because he always shudders out of dislike, but he can't do anything about it because they are the ones grading us.

"Guys help me please. I can handle it to a certain extent but don't leave me like that!"

"Ok ok,we are sorry. Thats the last one promise." Bohn laughed and shook his head.

We returned to our respective stations and assist our seniors. Our internship is about to end. Graduation then national exam for engineers then I am a certified engineer.

"Your dismissed king. You can now go, the night shift is here. I already passed out the report." Said my senior.

"Thank you P. Nice work P"

I went to the changing room and saw Bohn who is changing as well. I guess he just finished. We said goodbye to each other and walk to our own bunker. Just a small room with a bed, a small table with a lamp and a small bathroom. Im greatful to our company that they provided us with our own privacy. Other companies will have interns share a room maybe 2 or 4 persons each.


I walk over to my bed and took my phone

Babe is calling...

I smiled. Just right in time. After a busy day at work.

"Hey" I sighed

"Baby, I miss you. Is it ok for me to call right now? Are you busy?"

I smiled brighter. He is so considerate of me. I love him so much. Im so lucky

"I just finished my shift. I miss you too."

"Baby, lock the door."His voice is deep and husky.

Shivers ran down my body. Ram is horny. A knot in my stomach started to form

"Im so hard for you baby. I was waiting for you shift to finish" he whispered "Strip for me baby"

I bite my lip as I was feeling hot.


I removed my shirt then my pants leaving me in my boxers.

"I wish you were here" I said

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