Chapter 17

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King's POV

It's Monday morning and Im already tired just thinking about this weeks schedule. Damn it.

"Yow King, don't worry. Everything looks fine" Bank said holding the 30 pages final checklist.

Yup 30 pages. I can be apprehensive a lot and forget about stuff so I listed all the things that needs to be done weeks ago. We just finished our final rounds on the school. I guess we are ready. Its 6:30 am and the opening starts at 8 am.

"Ok. Anyways I need to grab breakfast with ram before the opening. Have you had yours already? You can join us if you want"

"No! Are you serious!? That first year will glare at me the whole time I sit there with you guys. He doesn't have any respect for his senior! You know I am his direct senior, all he does is text me asking to let you go already everytime we check on preparations together cause he knows you will get mad at him if he calls you directly when you are working."

I chuckled.

"Im so sorry"

"Its fine no worries. Plus I need to take my girlfriend out for breakfast, you don't think your the only one who is in a relationship do you?"

"And who is the unlucky girl to go out with you."

"Its my charm you asshole"

"Yeah yeah! Be back at 7:30 am sharp!" I said as I started walking to the engineering building.

"... and did you know that bank has a girlfriend? He told me a while ago that he will have breakfast with the girl!" I told ram as we had our breakfast. We are seated adjacent to each other.

"I don't know where were you babe, but P'Bank has been following the girl for months. I think everybody knows except you." He said as he took a bite from the fried rice.

"Urg seriously! I should have known! That....."


I looked at my phone and it is Bank.


"The student council of Chula just called they will arrive in 10 mins. So better cut that breakfast with your hubby."


"Yeah I know. Im sorry"

"Ok ok, I'll be there"

I looked at ram and he was already looking at me.

"Yes babe, I know you are busy"

"Im sorry, we barely ate together"

I looked at the time and we spent like 15 minutes together and its not yet 7am.

"You go, I'll finish this off cause we don't want to waste food." He pointed to his fried rice.

"Ram im sorry" I pouted.

He went in and gave my pouty lips a kiss.

"Its ok P. Lets just have lunch with the guys later after the opening ceremony"

"Ok see you!"

"Bye love!"

"Somebody look for King! Damn it! Im gonna kill you all!" I heard bank shout in the students having commotion for the arrival of chula.

"Im here! Im here!" I was breathing hard cause I walked fast going here.

I took the speakerphone.

"Ok! Student council!" I shouted. I saw other students cringe, oh yeah Im using a megaphone. "Make sure you have your sash with you at all time so the students can recognize you. The honors I need to to stand in your designated areas. When the buses come in, the honors designated to their own sport should get the group and place them in line. We placed our marksmen in here, guards in that and that so....." I gave out orders to the officers of the student council and the colleges, I hope we make a good impression.

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