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alexa seemed distant the rest of the day, hardly any laugher coming from her.

"ah, i see what you mean mate." calum says, watching alexa sit in the corner on the phone with someone. "her body language."

"i wonder what happened. you should probably ask, luke." michael says, tapping me on the shoulder lightly.

i walk over there, seeing her give me a glance and say goodbye to whoever she was talking to on the phone.

"hey lex, you alright?" i ask, keeping my voice to a low whisper. "what happened?"

she looks to me, her face emotionless. "nothing."

"are you sure—"

"fuck, yes luke! it's fine, stop asking."


"cmon, we're leaving." luke hums softly, giving me a tap on the shoulder. "it's late."

i say goodbye to ashton, giving him a soft hug and rushing to follow luke.

i follow sierra and luke out to the car, and get in. we are all pretty exhausted, my contacts messing with my eyes and getting dry.

"was it fun?" luke asked with a tired voice.

"yeah, thanks."

"you're welcome, honey."

once we get home, luke is asking questions about home life and i swear to god i just want to punch the shit out of him.

"luke." i snap, "it's none of your fucking business. so stop asking."

"excuse me?" he quirks an eyebrow.

"stop acting like you can just waltz into my life again, after 9 years of little to no contact after you left home and act like your the big brother i don't remember you being." i nearly yell, "it's not how it fucking works luke, so stop." m

"i'm trying to care for you, and if i recall you're the one who never ever came to family dinners when i came home. where the fuck were you? i don't know."

"i had to go through michael to ask if you were okay, at the ripe age of 13." i slam my phone down onto the counter, "you ignored me. you acted like i didn't exist. you hardly know my birthday, luke. you're not an older brother to me, merely a memory i wish you hadn't dug up."

"well see if i care about your well being, see if i care how you're doing and want to get closer to you. sorry i wanted a relationship with my little sister!"

"you hardly have a little sister luke, like you know how i actually am. you just want the clout."

"i'm your older brother!"

"like hell you are!"

sierra walks in, and mutters a "what's with the yelling" and then her face twists into realization.

"i wish you would've just left me alone, luke."

"i'll buy you a plane ticket home then, if you hate it here soo fucking much, alexa."

i huff my chest, "perfect." i say back, my mouth dry from me yelling. i turn and rush up the stairs and into the guest bedroom.

what the fuck is wrong with him?

lonely heart, luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now