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i zipped up the second bag, listening to hayley talking about school, isaac next to her talking to my friend group back in australia.

"nearly all packed." i say to no one in particular, grabbing my phone; creating a gross angle of my chin to the facetime and sitting down at the guest chair desk.

"its so weird and unusual to not have you here, lexlex." isaac said, his voice glitchy from the facetime distortion. "i remember when you would talk shit about luke every time he posted something, and now fast forward a month and you're living with him."

i let out a snarl, putting my arms across my chest. "i remember, yes."

"but now you get to hangout with a rich, attractive, rockstar man. do you need a step dad, alexa?" isaac asks.

my face twists into a disgusted face, scrunching my nose and being grossed out by his statement.

"isaac, you are absolutely disgusting."


"how long are we staying in australia?" michael asked, tapping with his guitar strings so that noises of strumming happening every thirty seconds.

"probably about a week, then after we're coming straight home. don't get me wrong, i'm excited to see celeste and jack, but i don't want alexa anywhere near my mom and dad."

"they're back at home?" ashton asks, surprise lacing his voice and being obviously concerned for this trip.

"well yeah. police let them both go, my mom has been blowing up my phone constantly. i have no doubt that she's doing the same thing to alexa's phone."

when ashton was about to respond to my sentence, we all heard a scream and a crash upstairs. we all froze.

i immediately got up from the couch and rushed up the rather noisy stairs, dashing alexa's room.

the cracked open door that is pushed open by my giant hand is revealed to alexa on the floor, still in the chair after it had fallen backwards. she was erupting with laughter.

"dear fucking god, alexa." i snort, putting a hand on my hip before watching her giggle more. i step closer and help her up and out of the chair. "what the hell happened?"

her teary eyes met mine, her giggles still erupting and her cheeks rose into a pink tint from what i assumed was embarrassment.

"i tried to see how far i could lean back, because the feeling of leaning back in a chair is so cool, but i leaned to far back." she murmured with embarrassment.

michael pushed past me and poked her cheek, bringing his fist up to fist bump her before opening his mouth. "we are the same. fuck luke, i think i'm your real brother."

i let out a chuckle, shaking my head as i watch alexa fist bump him back. "you might as well be, due to how weird you both are."

they both slap their hands to their chest; clearly offended, their jaws on the floor after my statement. "that's so rude!"


i watch one of the flaps on the ceiling fan, watching it spin around and around several times. i could hear the crickets outside due to my window being open.

i couldn't sleep, yet again.

i could hear movement downstairs in the area i knew was luke's studio, so i knew he was awake and moving. i threw the idea of hanging out with him in my brain for a couple of minutes.

in the end, i did end up going downstairs.

i walked down a short hallway to the noisy stairs, walked down them and careful not to step in the noisy areas and down a long hallway to the dim studio.

my plan of staying quiet failed when i yawned, gaining a terrified expression from my brother.

his hand immediately flew to his chest. he was breathing heavily as his chest rose and fell. "what are you doing awake?" his expression softened, and motioned for me to come closer.

i gulped and walked in slowly and quietly, i closed the studio door and walked closer.

"i couldn't sleep." i grumbled, my voice was raspy and tough— evident i hadn't slept in a while.

he nodded solidly, letting out a hum. he leaned back in his office chair, leaving me to stand awkwardly.

"wanna watch me play guitar?"

lonely heart, luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now