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"He likes you." I had just gotten in the driver’s seat of my car when Derrick hit me that comment.

"New Guy?" 

"Aw you even already have a nickname for him!" 

"Derrick, what are you talking about?"

"Dean. Gould. Likes. You." He paused after every word for emphasis. 

"Yeah okay." Did Dean really like me?

"He does! And I think you like him too. They were giving him shit about how he was looking at you during practice. He likes you." 

"Whatever." I didn't want to get into this with my brother. We don't talk about shit like that. 

"Scottie. I know we don't talk about this stuff, but I know you like him. The way you looked at him during practice. You let him put his number in your phone without hesitation. You need to start putting yourself out there. I've seen you sit there and not go after things you really want. You go to school, got to lacrosse, go to hockey, and hang out with her friends from the lacrosse team. Oh and then there’s the guys on the team. Branch out." I parked in Derrick's driveway and turned in my seat to look at him. 

"Derrick, thank you for looking out for me. Yes, I may like Dean, but I don't know if anything will come of it. I promise to branch out more."

"Alls I’m saying is don’t let this little flirtation-ship fizzle away, but don’t also consume yourself with it. I know, that you know, that relationships are not something for people to obsess over. So, let this thing with Dean play, see where it goes, but don’t let it wrack your brain or anything.”

"Alright, Dr. Phil. I promise. Btw, I won’t be at practice tomorrow, got homework to catch up on.”

"Sounds like a good idea. I'll see you Saturday?" 

"Most likely. Now get out of my car! You stink!" 

"Look who's talking!" Derrick grabbed his bag of clothes and ran inside to his house. 

Even though Derrick told me to consume myself with it, all I could of think of on the way home was Dean. Of course, I think he's super handsome. The sharp green eyes, ashy blonde hair, the sculpted square like jaw line, the perfect teeth. He was quite the looker. I’m going to do just what my older brother said, and let this thing play out. 

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