#1 Remile: Nightmare?

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    Remy was always the one to act cool, he didn't let things bother him most of the time. He could even be straight (gay) forward and tell people they're being stupid without hesitating. But... was something else going on in his head?
    While in his room, Remy cuddled with his boyfriend, completely wrapped around each other. They were watching "Lilo and Stitch" when Emile noticed that Remy had just fallen asleep.
    "He looks so peaceful." The trait thought.
    A few more minutes went by when Remy started to hold Emile tighter, as if he was scared. Remy continues to hold his boyfriend tightly as Emile whispers,
    "What's wrong?" Remy, still asleep, doesn't respond but instead whimpers a bit in his sleep, murmuring what sounded like, 'Don't hurt him.'
    "Shh, it's okay." Emile whispered, rubbing Remy's back, eventually calming him down. When everything went quiet again Emile started to fall asleep, still holding Remy to make sure he was alright.

    It turns out Remy didn't remember that happening, or maybe he just doesn't want to talk about it? Well, whatever answer it is, Emile will never forget seeing that side of Remy, nor will it make him think any less of his amazing boyfriend.

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