Jumin Han!

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Somethings not right? My phone suddenly vibrates. I turnover from bed and check the call. "Hello?"

"Hello? Patty? Are you still asleep?" MC said in a surprised tone.

"Huh?" I look at the clock.."!!! Eh? It's already 12:11?!" I'm wide awake from seeing the clock. "I need to prepare breakfast for my sib-"

Now that I think about it... I used to wake up early because my siblings are noisy outside every morning. I ran out of my room and checked their rooms but to my surprise. No one is there, all the rooms empty, I'm alone at home.

"MC? is there some sort of event today that everyone at home is not at home? I know it;s not my birthday today.... is it?" I asked as I walked all over the house to check if they are hiding form me or something but, no, no one's home!

I went out of my house when all of a sudden I dropped my phone.

"Patty? Patty?! Hello????" I can hear my friend calling out for me at my phone but I couldn't move where I stand.

"I was about to call you..." A man with black hair and dressed in a formal suit attire walks toward me and away from his expensive looking car. "...Ju..min?" I slowly said the words out as I am so surprise of the person standing infront of me.

Jumin? JUMIN HAN! In front of my house! looking at me a killer smile that will melt me to knees JUMIN HAN!!!!!



I must have passed out... "Patty! Are you okay?"

MC looks at me worried and offers me water. I sit up from my seat at home and take the water. "Thank goodness that you are alright..." I turned to where the deep voice came from, I almost got choked on the water.

It wasn't a dream, it wasn't a dream. Jumin is in my HOUSE!!!

Woah, woah woah what is he doing here?! I thought everything ended?!

"When you didn't answer me Jumin take the phone call and told me what just happened. So I rushed here with the kids." MC said as the twins run around the house.

"I was planning to take you to the hospital until MC stopped me." Jumin sighed, MC just ignored his comment and looks at him. "It will be unreasonable and also can you give us a second ALONE to talk?" She exaggerated the 'Alone' word to Jumin. Jumin looks at me then back to MC.

"Fine, I'll take your kids to get some icecream." Just as soon as he said that the twins heard him say 'icecream' that they obediently followed him.

The three went out but MC scrambles to her feet and made a warning to Jumin. "Jumin! don't spoil them too much!" MC said with a slight anger yet worried expression.

She went back to me then we started our talk. "They are gone MC... What now?" I said thinking of what to do. "Well, I could be guessing... Did you played Mystic Messenger?" MC asked. I started to think back and remembered that I did. "Yeah, then I finished the Jumin....Route...."

We both look at each other. "No." I said laughing nervously. MC shakes her head. "Yes." she added.




"YES! we can't deny it that it was your doing that he is there!" MC said pointing it out.

"So that means..." I started to put all the pieces together. I am going to be stuck with Jumin for the rest of my 3 years?????

"No! I can't! Me! a boyfriend of a very rich yet, cat loving yet, good-looking yet, handsome...."

".... Girl you just stopped there?" MC said knowing I am daydreaming about his goodlookingness, but I quickly snapped out of it.

"It's going to be fine. I went my life as normal and besides you can do this!" MC said encouraging me.

Jumin X Reader The Real After EndingWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt