Together 2

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There are times that when he comes home we ended up doing things together and all and whenever we parted I get lonely... Every night I'm too scared to fall alseep knowing the days are nearing and nights are passing. It's a weird cycle, in the mornings I'm so happy that Jumin and the others are still around to keep in touch while every night I get a hard time falling asleep keeping myself ready for the day to come.

Until one night....

"I can't sleep...." I said to myself, I get up from bed and went to the kitchen. I'm back at my own home and it felted different being alone in a big house. "This is bad. I need to get proper sleep..." I said as I went to the fridge to get a drink until my phone rang.


"Sorry did I disturb your sleep?"

"No not at all! I just happen to be awake at this hour..." I said trying to keep calm.

"Anyways I know it's late but are you at the apartment?"

"No, I'm at home right now..."

"Really? I know it's late and all but can you check on Elizabeth the cameras at the night doesn't show where she is right now so I'm worried that she might have ran off again..."

"It's okay, I don't mind." I said. I need a change of pace anyway.

"Sorry, I'm not there for you right now, you can take a rest at the apartment since it's late." Jumin said with a calming voice. I can never get tired of it, it makes me feel like he's here next to me. I change my clothes and head to the apartment by taxi.

It's cold outside so I wore a jacket and scarf to keep me warm. The clothes I have at home isn't the same with the clothes I had left at Jumin's apartment...

As soon as I got there...


"You're here!" I couldn't believe what I'm seeing Jumin is here! I ran up to him and gave a hug. "Jumin! your back!"

"These are for you." He said as he gave me a bouquet of roses. "You're here? But shouldn't you be...."

"I took an early leave. I miss you so much." Jumin said as he gave me kiss.



We stayed together outside for a little bit longer until we both went up to the apartment.

"Jumin... I have something important to say to you but I didn't expect you to come here early... Oh my gosh I haven't prepared yet!" I said excitedly.

Jumin looks at me in question then a bit nervously. "It's okay take your time. Remember I'm here to listen whatever it is we can get through it together-"

"I'm pregnant!" I said it out loud with all the courage I got. Jumin froze in spot.

"Jumin? Jumin! I'm pregnant! Hello? Oh no I think I broke him?!" It took him a minute that he got himself together then all of a sudden he carries me up and spins around. "I'm going to be a father!!!" He said joyfully as for me happy yet I'm getting dizzy.

But I'm glad that we are going to be a family......

Jumin has me visited frequently and looks like he stressed himself out from his job just to check in on me. I told him not to push himself too hard for me but in the end he's just cute being all happy being a father.

"Patty... If we are going to be a family I should try my best to be the father I can ever be to make my child proud!" He said as I can see him searching at the internet on how to be a great father.

Althought it started to get weirder and weirder but still it's still great that he's as considerate as he is.....

A year has passed and Jumin who immediately came to the hospital with me had a chance to hold our baby boy, our Taemin.

We had our tears of joy and Jumin cried a lot after a chance getting a hold of our child but I'm glad. I'm glad that he is here......

You know ever since MC said that Seven and her had a shotgun wedding it got me thinking that we should do too. I never experience having myself wed to someone so we did a little wedding at a private resort with our closest friends with us then we had our vows and got married. The ring I had has Jumin's name. It's a ring that I will cherish along side with my new family for the rest of the next 2 years.........

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