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What is this?

Two timing? I wasn't two timing them, I mean sure I just went on a date with Jumin but Zen and I were just chatting about other things just as friends!

I jumped when I heard the dog just barks all of a sudden. I'm getting creep out. I went inside the house and locked all the doors. I'm terrified who would just do this...

I've just realized the huge home I'm living in. It used to be with me, dad and my 4 other sisters but now I'm all alone. It's rather terrifying.

I decided to call MC but her phone is out of reach, should I call Zen?

"Sorry I'm not on the line right now, I'm busy practicing leave me a message~"

I forgot he's meeting his director now. I looked at my contacts and found Jumin...


"Patty, I'm here." I looked at the messenger then walked out and open the gate just to see Jumin right here, right now.

"Jumin? Thank goodness, that was fast." I said then all of a sudden he pulled me to an embrace. "Everything is alright now I'm here." He said as he looks at my face and started stroking my hair.

We head inside and I explained everything what happen just awhile ago. "...Oh... I forgot that I had a cut on my finger." I looked at the dried up cut from my finger, I must have felt the panic when I suddenly got the mail.

"It could be a threat mail. However to harm you like this..." He takes my hand and gently puts his soft lips on my finger. I panicked ever so slightly. I couldn't pull my hand away....

"It's okay I'll put a band aid on!" I said as I quickly walked up to the bathroom to get the first aid kit, when I was about to go back Jumin is already behind me. I almost drop the kit. "I'll do it." He offers.

"Um, I could handle it." I said but my voice became small in the end of my sentence. He's close!!!!

Just like that he places the band aid on my cut perfectly. "Sorry, to trouble you and it's late so...." I felt calm now that Jumin accompanied me just now. I didn't really plan for him to come here I just need someone to calm my nerves....

"Well for the sender to harm you like this, it is best to handle this matter." Jumin suggested he made a call to Jaehee to take care the matters of the violent stalker. "... Anyways now that will be settled, pack some things Patty."


"You're going to stay with me for the meantime."


"It's dangerous for a girl living alone here. Also from the looks of it I'm pretty sure that this person is dangerous, so it is best you stay somewhere safe until this is settled."


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