Amusement park

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Finally the day has come and we came in a group.

"Let's go on that one."

"No, I wanna go over there!"

"NO this one!"

MC quickly got a hold of the twin's hoods before they run off. "Hey, hey we'll get a chance to ride them don't start off on your own. I don't want to be troubled with having you two lost." MC said seemingly from experience.

"Troublesome kids, I wonder where they get that from." Jumin said his thought outloud. After hearing that we both look at 707. "MC, MC, MC, MC Let's go here first! Let's go over here first!!!!" 707 started to jump while pointing at the roller coaster.

We both laughed. I looked at Jumin surprised. "What?" Jumin said as he slowly stops from laughing. "Nothing." I quickly look away.'He's so cute when he just laughed.' I thought to myself.

I took a sneak peek at Jumin who is looking at the brochure to check the events. "Now where to go?" MC asked but the 3 red haired people kept blabbering away pointing to each directions.

"Here's the plan!" Jumin steps in and talked about his plan. "First we take the small rides first and..." Seems like Jumin has his own plans too.

"Hey MC, let's go over there first!" 707 points at the first ride he sees which is the roller coaster. Jumin pulls 707 from his hood. "Listen to me first!" He said glaring at 707. Why do I feel that Jumin also has his bodyguards spread out of the amusement park.

We ended up listening to his plan and MC and 707 took consideration of the plan. The plan is solid, Jumin considers the energetic twins stamina and once it's been depleted they can watch the event show while the rest of us adults have 2 hours to have a bit of fun time ourselves.

"Then let's go." Jumin said as he takes my hand and leads the way. I nodded.

"Auntie Patty lets seat together!" The twins popped up on both sides and took my hand, letting go of Jumin's hold. Jumin stood still for a bit then sighed. What can I do the twins wanted to see me afterall. We sat with the twins on the coffee cup. I secretly whisper to Jumin. "Don't worry, we'll have 2 hours to ourselves after all this, I trust your plan." I said.

"Hey hey Sarah look at that!" Saeyoung, Sarah's twin, called his sister.

"What Saeyoung?" Sarah looked at the direction where Saeyoung is pointing at.

I looked at the direction the two are looking and I am surprised to the fact I wished I hadn't rode this....

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