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I almost choke on my drink, wife?! When? How? I mean.... HOW???

"...I'm just joking." Jumin said with a straight face. I looked at him confused but nervously laughed. "hahaha, is that so?"

"You are my wife."

"Oh, haha good one!"

"I'm serious."

"..." It's hard to read him sometimes. He has a serious face but damn, he's so hot!

We talked much more and at least no more jokes, but this time I get what's going on now. I am his wife and we are to have a formal marriage soon. Technically, Jumin is going to take care of the things needed for the wedding, by him taking care I mean Jaehee is the one who will be organizing the event.

We finished food and Jumin gets the check. "Oh, I need to go home to-" When I think about my sentence I realized that about my situation just now. My noisy siblings and father aren't around now, so technically I don't really need to hurry home. "Are you in a hurry?" Jumin asks as he gets his card. "Um, not really, I guess not." I said.

"Good, because we aren't done yet."

"Huh?" I looked at him in question, then he stood up from where he seated and takes me by the hand and we headed out to the restaurant and had a walk around the shopping district.

He lead me inside a clothes store, Not just any clothes store it's a really expensive store, most women would die buying their branded clothes here. Jumin left me for a second when I saw a really cute bag in displayed. "I wonder how much this is?.......!" After looking at the price tag I don't feel worthy on laying my hands on such an expensive bag. This is just like the amount for my sister's school fees.

"Here." Jumin hands me a lovely light pink dress. "It's beautiful." I said as I touch the softness of the fabric. "Try it."


"Go on. There are more you also need to try." Jumin said, I can see the other sales ladies holding a couple more items. I better finish this up quickly.

Meanwhile MC was driving the kids on the way home. "Okay guys we are here." MC said waking the kids up, 'Damn Jumin, the kids are stuffed up with icecream, what if they get sick?' MC thought as she gently wakes up the twins.

As soon as she got the kids out of the car she stopped on her tracks when she saw a familiar red car. The person with red hair got off the car wearing yellow and black stripe glasses holding a phone on his ear, he seems to be talking to someone.

'He's here right in front of me, right in front of me he's there once again... will he remember me?' MC thought but she shakes her head and looks down for a while then walked forward to the house. She couldn't dare look up just yet, it's been years but...

Just as she walks pass the red haired figure she stood after 4 steps away from him. She can feel the tears in her eyes...

"MC.... I miss you." She felt an embrace from behind. "You remembered?"

MC looks at Saeyoung and they both started tearing up then went back to a full embrace....

After 16 changes later. I'm tired. "We'll take all of those." Jumin said to the sales lady as he points at the dresses and clothes that I wore. "Jumin that's awfully alot?" I said but Jumin smiles at me as he took out his card and gave it the sales lady. "Anything for my queen." He said as he kisses my cheek.

I blushed at the sudden impact! I quickly put my hand on my cheek, as Jumin calmly took care of the payment for the clothes. "You have a very loving boyfriend." Says one of the sales ladies. "Um. No he's..... my husband." Well I can't deny that at the moment since he is the person I have a good ending with.

"I already ask my guards to take the clothes to the apartment. Patty, let's go?" Jumin said as he extends his hand out. I can feel my heart flutter. I hold on to his hand as we both walked out of the clothes store. "The dress really does look good on you." Jumin said smiling at me, agreeing to his choice of clothes for me. I ended up wearing one of it, I can see from one of the store's windows that we look good together now that I'm wearing the right outside clothes. We continued walking hand by hand as we look and chat.

Jumin X Reader The Real After EndingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora