Ferries wheel

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I check the time in my phone and it's almost time for the fireworks. The tickets we got are for the ferries wheel view at the very top where we will wait there until the fireworks are all over.

"Shall we get some snacks?" Jumin suggested. "I don't think they'll allow us?" I said thinking about the possibility. "Don't worry, I'm sure they'll allow us." He said as he pats my head gently. I get the feeling that he's ganna tip the staff working there....

Just as we are heading towards the ferries wheel, we handed the tickets to the worker and Jumin tips the staff... 'MAKE WAY!" Jumin and I turn in surprise to see Zen running towards our direction.

"Wait- " Jumin and I said at the same time but for some reason he ended up going in with us.


The staff couldn't bring us down anymore since we are already moving. As for Jumin.... "Why are you still here?" He complains. Jumin sits beside me while Zen is sits at the other facing us.

"What do you mean why I am still here?!" Zen complains back. "As much as I don't want to stay in the same room as YOU!" He said pointing at Jumin. "...Your okay, Patty since you're an angel." His tone changed and made a wink to my direction.

"Can you just get out? As you can see we are on a date!" Jumin made his point when he pulls me closer to him. "Yea yea I'll get out as soon as this ferries wheel goes down."

"Umm. It won't go down until the fireworks end...." I said. Silence fills the entire ride until Zen bursts out. "This is half torture...."

"Don't worry Patty when the fireworks start we can ignore this problem in front of us." Jumin said that just it irritates Zen even more.

"Gahhh! Why did we have to schoot in an amusement park that are mostly about cats!" Zen started complaining non stop about cats this and cats that that we ended up seeing only half way ending of the fireworks event.


"We miss most of the fireworks because of your tantrum!" Jumin got really mad at Zen that he just kicked him out of the ride as soon as we landed. "That hurts!"

"Calm down boys! What's done is done so-"

I stopped from what I said when I saw the both of them looking at my direction in surprise. "PATTY!"


All because of Zen my alone time with Patty depleted and not only that, he kept on and on complaining about having to deal with cats. Cats are beautiful and elegant creatures, I understand he has an allergy against them but they are no excuse to acuse them because of a cat allergy. It's his body that has faults for not accepting cats.

Because of him Patty didn't get to enjoy the fireworks properly. should I ask for the manager to show them again?

While I kicked Zen out from the ride and went ahead myself so that I could assist Patty out of the ride all of a sudden there was a mysterious figure. It has no concern towards me but all of a sudden he throws something towards Patty.

"PATTY!" We both screamed. I ran towards her but instead Zen got ahead of me and shielded Patty.


"Huh? An egg?" Patty reacted in shock. The the person ran away from us. "Guards after him!" I command in a loud voice and in a second the guards jumped out of the bushes and hiding spots and started to chase the guy down.

"Are you okay?" Patty said looking at Zen who is still holding her. "I'm okay. What about you?" Zen said looking at Patty.

I'm not happy with this...

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