Got a text

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"Wow, Jumin it seems like 707 really did remember MC after all." I said as I showed him a text of my conversation with MC. He's taking me home now since it's getting late and all. He previously insists that I stayed with him at his apartment and meet with Elizabeth the 3rd but as much as I want to I couldn't since I left my home unattended. I don't feel comfortable at someone else's house even if it's Jumin.... Forgive me thoughts...

"Is that so..." Jumin kept silent for a moment and continued driving. Something's off. "Jumin... Did you have something to do about this?" I ask. He looks at me eye to eye. "What ever do you mean?"

He's hiding something...

"Jumin if you don't tell me... I'll get myself a dog."

"I told Luciel about the situation and made an agreement with me so don't ever get a dog." He said to me straight forwardly. I didn't think he'd confess that easily.

"What are you thinking? It could've hurt MC if she found out 707 knows nothing about this!" I said. I going to call MC.

"But the truth will still hurt her and besides Luciel will act the way he is, knowing him this is like a mission and besides. He is after all the father of those twins right?" Jumin said. I was about to press call but then I look at Jumin. He seems concern about MC's well-being, like me...

MC has been working herself off for those two kids all by herself even I have been consumed to helping her out.... "Fine. I won't tell MC about 707 right now but if anything goes wrong with my bestfriend You're ganna pay."

"I'll be more willing to do so name any price."


"Haha, don't worry if anything does go wrong I'll take one of his precious cars for a spin." Jumin smiles, I know what he means by that he did that once already but a second time like that would be a miracle if he survived... or he might ask someone else to do it.

Just as soon as we arrived at my place there are already guards of Jumin putting the brought clothes in the house. I'm surprised at house they manage to follow us with being suspicious.

"Well thanks for taking me home and I have such a wonderful day." I said. Jumin holds my hand and gave it a squeeze, with his other hand he gave me pink wrapped shopping bag with a ribbon attached to it. "What's this?" I asked. "A little something." He said and smoothly he kisses me on the forehead. "Have a good evening Patty." He said as he get back to his car and drives away along with his other guard's cars.

I stood there for awhile watching his car disappear from my sight. I touched my forehead and blushed ever so much. WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! He's so sly!!!

I looked inside the paperbag to see the expensive looking bag that I saw at the shop away back. I squeal in excitement then head back inside the house...

Jumin X Reader The Real After EndingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora