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The next day, I went out with Zen and MC at the usual spot. I told them my afternoon with Jumin yesterday. "Wow." MC didn't make much a reaction since she is half jealous at the loving time he spent with me and half mad since she thought about the money spent and the passengers who might have wanted to go on the cruise but how should she know. As for Zen.... "That's rather romantic." MC and I looked at him surprised.

"Zen just praised Jumin." MC whispers to me but Zen heard it. "Hey! I mean... He did that because he thinks you are stressed about the harasser right?" Zen said looking away and playing with the straw of his drink.

"Zen.... Could you have something to do with it?" MC asked. Zen kept swirling his drink and smiles nervously. "So....a footspa?" Zen tries to change the subject.

We kept on chatting like normal until a black car drives by. Jumin steps out of the car. The 3 of us looked at him approaching us and takes an empty chair. We just looked at him in silence. "Jumin in the flesh?" MC jokes, but it wasn't funny.

"I just happen to have some free time." He said as he takes the menu to order. "Patty which do you think is good?" I picked him the same drink as mine thinking he might like it. "Freetime? Aren't you always busy or something? What happen to Jaehee?" Zen said with a slight irritation on his voice.

"I just happen to finish work early today as well and if your concern about my assistant why don't you ask her?" Jumin said as he takes a sip of the drink I ordered him. He looks at me and smiles. "It's good."

I don't understand what's going on but somehow the atmosphere here is rather....thick???

"Anyways!" MC joined in the conversation. "Patty, the twins have been asking when you are coming to visit? They've been getting rare visits from you lately."

MC rarely calls me too to take care of the twins since 707 appeared. "Well... Let me know when you guys have any plans."

MC started thinking. "Hmmmmm. Well Saeyoung got tickets for us to go to the amusement park."

"Really? where did he get them?"

"...That he's not telling me." MC said as her expression changed a bit but then went back to normal. "Don't worry I'll ask him to get you an extra."

"Don't bother." Jumin suddenly speaks up and we all look at him. "I'll take care of it." He takes out his phone and called the manager of the amusement park. "....Two tickets please."

"Two?" I ask.

"Yes, one for you and me." Jumin said as he puts his phone back on his pocket.

"It's surprising you aren't asking Jaehee for this." Zen said as he finishes his drink. "If it's for Patty I would do anything for her." He said as he places his arm around me. My heart starts to beat. "I wish I could join you but I'd be left out in a couple group..." Zen said in a sad tone.

Jumin X Reader The Real After EndingWhere stories live. Discover now