Chapter 27

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"Try not to kill him," you say to Sihyeon before ringing Yunho's doorbell. You knew all the boys were at Yunho's apartment today, and Sihyeon dragged you along with her.

Yunho answers the door. "Oh! Hey...?" he says, confused, not expecting both of you to be here. Sihyeon pushes past him and you follow her.

"KANG FUCKING YEOSANG!" she yells, startling the boys who were playing pool.

"Damn, babe, what are you so loud for?" Mingi asks his girlfriend. Sihyeon ignores him and glares at a confused looking Yeosang.

"What happened?" San asks when he sees the disappointed look you and Sihyeon had.

"Don't even think about going on that date with Lee Jihye," Sihyeon warns. The boys didn't look surprised, so you assumed they already know about it.

"Why not?" Yeosang asks.

Sihyeon raises an eyebrow. "Are you fucking kidding me?!"

"Okay, okay," Hongjoong says. "Don't fight."

"Listen, less than an hour ago, Chaeyoung came over to Raena's apartment, bawling her eyes out because of you," Sihyeon starts, "Because you said you're going on a date."

A concerned look was immediately shown on Yeosang's face. "Why was she crying because of that?"

Sihyeon looked like she was going to murder Yeosang this instant. "Are you fucking bli—"

"Chaeyoung's in love with you," you state, cutting Sihyeon off. The room fell silent immediately.

Yeosang gasped. "What?"

"She's been in love with you for a while now, Yeosang," you say.

"I... I thought she didn't feel the same way," Yeosang mumbles. "That's why I agreed to go on a date with Jihye to move on."

"Go explain that to her," you say. "She feels broken right now."

Yeosang nods. "Is she still at your apartment?"

"Yeah," you say and Yeosang immediately runs out of Yunho's apartment.

"Well..." Mingi starts, "That was, um, hot." You raise an eyebrow in question.

"I didn't know my girlfriend could be so intimidating," Mingi says, making Sihyeon smirk.

"And now they're gonna fuck," Hongjoong states.

"You know it," Mingi grins, taking Sihyeon's hand and dragging her away.

"So much for boy time," Jongho mumbles.

You noticed that San was busy on his phone again, not really caring about your presence here. "Well, I'm going to leave now," you say, trying to hide that you were feeling upset. However, Hongjoong notices.

"San, why don't you take Raena home?" Hongjoong suggests, sounding a little annoyed. San looks up at him from his phone before looking at you.

"Oh no, that's fine. I drove here," you say with a small smile. "I'll see you guys at school tomorrow." The boys nod and you leave.

Hongjoong taps San's shoulder, signalling San to follow him. San follows Hongjoong to Yunho's small balcony.

"What are you doing, San?" Hongjoong asks with a sigh, leaning against the railing.

"What do you mean?" San asks, oblivious.

"Raena was clearly upset," Hongjoong states. "I noticed you've been neglecting her for a while. You're always on your phone doing who knows what."

San freezes. "I... Fuck, I didn't realize."

"Who have you been texting?" Hongjoong asks.

San tenses up, and Hongjoong instantly knew. "Hyung, I—"

"I'm really disappointed in you, San," Hongjoong sighs before leaving San to think about what he's doing.

San groans, leaning his head against the balcony door, not knowing what to do. His phone vibrates, signalling that he just received a message, and he immediately unlocks his phone to look at the message. 

"Meet me on Tuesday."


End of Chapter 27.

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