Chapter 34

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"I know you feel like shit right now," Yeosang says, sitting beside you on the bleachers. You were watching their volleyball practice; they just got a break right now. San was busy talking to Yubin while playing with her cheerleading pom poms.

"I heard she tried to hit on you," you state, not taking your eyes off San.

"Yeah, she did," Yeosang says. "I wanted to date her."

"Why didn't you?" you ask. "I mean, she's beautiful."

Yeosang smiles. "I knew she only wanted to date me for my looks. Even while she was dating San, she had her eyes on me. He was too blind to notice."

"Did he really... love her that much?"

"He did," Yeosang says. "But he doesn't now, I'm sure of it. He likes you a lot, Raena."

"Yeah, that's exactly why he's with his ex-girlfriend right now," you say sarcastically.

"Honestly, talk to him about it," Yeosang says. "He won't admit or realize what he's doing if any of us say something."

You just nod and Yeosang goes back to practice. You sigh in frustration, contemplating on how you would talk to San.


After school, you and San went over to his apartment. Surprisingly, he asked you to stay the night.

After you removed your uniform and wore one of San's black t-shirts, you felt him back-hug you. "Hey," he says, placing his chin on your shoulder. You turn around in his arms, titling your head back to look up at him. He cups your cheek with one hand and leans down to gently capture your lips. Your hands went around his neck, playing with the hair on his nape. After a few seconds, he pulls away from the kiss, only to lovingly smile at you.

"What?" you ask with a smile, playing with his hair.

He chuckles. "Can't I admire my beautiful girlfriend?" Before you could say anything, he kisses you again. "Let's watch a movie, hmm?"

You nod and he pulls you to the living room. "Choose a movie and I'll get us some drinks," he says.

You began to scroll through the list of movies on Netflix, not really finding anything that interests you at the moment.

"Here, babe," San says, handing you a glass of coco cola. "Which movie did you choose?"

"I don't know what to watch," you say, scrolling through the movies while you sipped on your coke. He takes the remote from your hand and scrolls through the list until he found a movie.

You raise an eyebrow. "Fifty shades freed?"

He shrugs. "I haven't watched it yet," he says, lying down next you on the couch so you were the little spoon. He puts an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him.

A sex scene started a little less than ten minutes into the movie. Christian handcuffs Anastasia's hands to her legs. San put a little distance between you and him when he felt his boner growing. You noticed, but you didn't say anything. You couldn't help but think if San has a kink for bondage.

Forty minutes later, Christian fucks Anastasia on a table, and San gets another boner; you could feel it poking your ass. You pause the movie after the scene and turn to face San.

"Need some help?" you ask, sliding your hand down his body, stopping at the waistband of his sweatpants. You hear him take a deep breath.

"It's fine, I can take care of it, princess," San says, kissing your head. "I know you're on your period."

"I can still suck you off," you suggest, slipping your hand into his pants, palming his clothed bulge.

He nods and you get off the couch, kneeling in front of him. 


End of Chapter 34.

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