Chapter 38

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"You didn't tell me that you were coming here," San says to his mother after he came home from the convience store.

"Do I need permission to visit my son?"

"What do you want, mother?" San asks with a sigh. "I know you wouldn't visit me for no reason."

"There's a business party tonight and you must attend," she says. "A lot of rich families have been invited."

"I don't want to go," he says.

"You have to. I called your girlfriend and she said she was free, so she's your date for the night."

"My girlfriend?" he asks, confused how his mother got your contact information.

"Cho Yubin? That girl who used to come home a lot," Mrs. Choi says.

"Mother, we broke up more than a year ago," San says with a sigh. "I'm dating someone else."

"I don't care," she glares at San. "She's your date for tonight and that's final. Your father already put your names on the guest list so just go with it and don't embarrass your family."


"Your suit is with Hongjoong," she says while walking to the door to leave. "Don't be late."

"Fuck!" San groans when his mother leaves. His phone vibrates, signalling that he just received a text.

Are you free tonight?

You're talking to me now?

Just answer me.


Nope, got some plans with my family. I'm going to their house today.

Oh, alright.

San sighs, feeling terrible for lying to you again, but there was nothing he could do about it.


"Can we escape?" you ask Sakura and Hendery. You were thankful that your cousins had to come to this business event too; you would've died in boredom alone.

"Not until I find a girl," Hendery says.

"Hendery, this is a masquerade party for fucks sake!" you groan. "You can't even tell who's who here." Sakura laughs, sipping on her champagne.

Hendery rolls his eyes before smirking in some direction. "Found a pretty one, see you both later." You sigh, watching your cousin run off to some girl in a blue mask. 

"Why didn't Seonghwa come tonight?" you ask Sakura while watching some of the guests dance.

"He went to Jinju today morning," she says. "He wanted to spend some time with his family for the weekend."

"Oh, okay," you mumble. You noticed two familiar people dancing. You hoped that they weren't who you think they are. "Sakura, please tell me that the man there with the red mask is not San."

She follows your line of sight and immediately frowns. "What the fuck?!"

You take a deep breath, trying to control the tears in your eyes from spilling. "He told me he was going to his parents' house tonight."

You saw Yubin put her arms around San's neck and crash her lips onto his. San's hands were at her waist and he didn't even push her away. You gasp, tears beginning to roll down your face. You ran out of the venue, not able to take it anymore.

"Raena! Fuck!" Sakura says. Instead of going after you, she went to San and pushed Yubin away from him. "What the fuck are you doing, San?!"

"Sakura? She kissed me and I tried to push her away, I swear!" 

"Go fucking explain that to Raena!"

San freezes. "H-Huh?"

"She saw everything. Now go before she leaves!" Sakura half-yells.

"Fuck," he says and runs out of the venue, searching for you. He sighs in relief when he sees you waiting outside for an uber, looking gorgeous in your red gown. He runs towards you. "Raena!"

"Don't," you say, making him stop in his tracks. His heart broke at the sight of your tears streaming down his face. "We're done, San." 

His eyes widened as he felt his heart break. "W-What?"

"I'm so tired of you lying to me all the damn time! When I left to Singapore four weeks ago, you let your ex-girlfriend stay over at your apartment!" you yell and he goes pale in the face, wondering how you found out. "You think I didn't know that you were texting her while I was right there? You lied to me and went to that matcha cafe with her. You got pissed off with me last week when she was the one who poured that damn drink on herself! You told me you were going to be with your parents today and you're with her! On top of all that, you didn't even tell me that she's your ex-girlfriend! I gave you four weeks to tell me what the fuck has been happening, San! Four weeks! I'm sorry, but I can't take this shit anymore. So it's over, San. I'm seriously fucking done." 

San was just frozen in place, feeling his heart break into pieces. He opened his mouth multiple times to say something, but nothing came out. Your uber cab arrived and you leave without even sparing him a glance.


End of Chapter 38.

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