Chapter 33

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You decided to go to school during lunch. When you entered the cafeteria, you spotted all your friends seated at your usual table on the other side of the cafeteria. You smile while you made your way towards them. However, you stop mid-way and your smile falters.

You didn't expect Cho Yubin to be seated at your table and seat, right next to your boyfriend, laughing with your friends. It looked like she was your replacement.

You took a deep breath. You didn't even want to go over there, but you had to know what was suddenly going on.

Just before you reached the table, you heard someone shout your name, catching a couple of students and your friends' attention. Your friends were surprised to see you since you hadn't contacted anyone in a whole week. On the other hand, San felt anxious to see you here because of Yubin. He didn't know how you would react to seeing Yubin here.

You turned around. "Yeah, XiaoJun?"

"Here," he says, handing you a pendrive and a small orange juice box. You give him a questioning look. "Hendery put some pretty crazy stuff on it. He's sick right now, so he told me to give it to you."

"Oh, okay. Tell him I said 'thanks,'" you say with a small smile.

XiaoJun nods and pulls you into a hug. "I'm sorry for your loss," he whispers so that only you could hear. "And please take care of yourself. I can tell that you haven't been eating." He releases you from the hug.

"I will," you say with a smile. He ruffles your hair before leaving.

You sit down on the empty seat beside Mina, right across from San and Yubin. You pierce the attached straw into the orange juice box that XiaoJun gave you.

While you took a sip of the juice, you noticed that everyone was quiet. "Why is everyone so quiet?" you ask.

San clears his throat nervously. "Raena, is it okay if Yubin hangs out with us?"

"Well, isn't she doing that right now?" you say with a chuckle. "So why are you asking me for permission?"

"I'm asking because of whatever happened before," San says.

"Raena, I'm sorry," Yubin says with a fake smile. "I was immature back then. Let's start fresh, yeah?"

You wanted to laugh, but you kept a poker face on. "Sure."


"She clearly wasn't even sorry," Sihyeon states, lying down on her bed. You and Chaeyoung went to her apartment after school. "Honestly, I think she's just trying to get San back."

"Well, looks like it's working," you murmur to yourself, but they heard you.

"Raena... you aren't planning on giving up on San, right?" Chaeyoung asks.

You took a deep breath, pondering about it. "I don't know."

"You can't lose to Cho Yubin," Sihyeon states. "That's exactly what she wants, Raena."

"I can't help but feel like he's cheating on me," you say. "She was at his apartment, they went to that matcha cafe, he's been texting her all the time, and he lied to me about all that. Then all of a sudden, she starts hanging out with us. Doesn't it look like he's cheating?"

"It does," Chaeyoung says. "But it doesn't mean he actually is. You need to talk to him, Raena."

You sigh. "How do I talk to him about it when he doesn't even know that I know she's his ex-girlfriend?"

Chaeyoung's eyebrows furrowed. "He hasn't told you?"

"Yeah," you chuckle bitterly. "I don't want to ask him about it because—"

"Raena, you're his girlfriend," Sihyeon says, cutting you off. "You have every right to ask your boyfriend why he's talking to his ex."

You bite your lip nervously. "Should I really ask?"

"Obviously," they both say.


End of Chapter 33.

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