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We pull up to Sage's house, and my god did this man have a lot of money. His house screamed money, and if that doesn't do it, it's the five nice ass cars in the driveway. Were they all his? No way!

I look around, taking in my surroundings, and notice a little flower garden off to the side of the house. It was so beautiful, and I knew right then that would be my reading spot. A spot to write and think my quiet thoughts would be perfect.

His house was white with a big pool in the back, and it had trees and flowers everywhere; there was a homey feeling to it. But yet it was so big and so empty.

We walk inside, and my mouth never closes. How could Sage live here alone? And how would I ever get used to living here? It had two staircases going up to the upstairs, and it was all open and so beautiful.

The walls display art and music, and I have never seen such a magical house. I was surely going to get lost in here. But I will try. I told him I would, and I'm not a liar.

"So, do you like it?" Sage asks nervously

"I- I love it. Sage, it is stunning." I choked out. How could anyone not love and appreciate all of this house? I have dreamed about living in my own home just this big and beautiful, and one day I will. But for now, I will take up some room in Sage's house. Yeah, like me, and my guitar will take up so much space. Ha!

"Okay, well, let's get you to your room, and I'll show you around tomorrow morning when you wake up. I put you in the bedroom next to mine because it's the only one with a bathroom. I hope that is okay?" Sage asks sweetly. God, he was just so perfect; I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. Like what was Sage hiding that I couldn't see on the outside? Maybe he was mentally unstable, ha, no he has a fantastic business and helps people, so maybe there is nothing wrong with him.

Well, there is something wrong with him, he likes me. Now that in itself, I haven't come to understand. It's not that I think I'm ugly or anything. It's just that he liked me before he even got to know me. I guess when you see something in someone, nothing else matters. He helped me see that. And I'm so thrilled he saw something in me. I was so tired of sleeping in dark, cold buildings.

He is my light to the darkness. And I will make sure I will let him know every single day. We are friends, and I'm very thankful for that.

"Well, little red, this is you. I went ahead and grabbed everything I thought you might need. Please don't think anything of it. I have been working on trying to convince you for weeks. You just so happen to find me first." He said with a wink and shut me into my now new room.

God, it was huge; it has a king-size four-poster bed in the middle of the room, and I want to crawl under the covers and never come out. The room is grey with polished wooden floors and black and white pictures of a guitar on one wall and a black in white one of me like the one in his office. This man either wanted me or something I did intrigue him.

To me, it didn't matter which one it was. I was just glad someone out there had noticed something good inside of me. I'm a good person, but I have had my run-ins with many bad people who like to take, take, take.

It's nice to have someone else give and not ask for anything else in return, except to be home at night so I'm safe. Man, did I have it bad for him or what? Not that I would ever tell him that. I wouldn't want to mix business with pleasure, as some would call it. But dang, did he play all the right cards at winning me over.


I watch her get out of the car and gasp. Shit, maybe this was too fast too soon. I hope I didn't overwhelm her with all this.

She seems to be just taking it all in, but I wish I could be inside her head to know what she is thinking for just a moment. Does she like it? Does she think I'm a cocky asshole? Damnit, did I fuck this up? Shit.

I can't take it anymore.

"So, do you like it? Will you feel safe here?" I hold my breath waiting for her to tuck her tail and run.

"I-I love it. It's stunning, Sage. I think I will feel safe as long as I'm off the streets. Thank you so much," She chokes out.

No little red, you are the stunning one; this is just a house. You are so much more. She has no idea she is the one I have been staring at all night. All the wrong everyone has done to her in the past blinds her so that she can't see just how amazing she is. Beautiful and intelligent, talented beyond words. She is perfect.

I take her upstairs to her room, and this is the part I'm nervous about; I will look more like a stalker than ever before.

Once again, I hung a picture of her in her room. But this time in black and white. It is my absolute favorite.

I had a buddy of mine who is a photographer take it a couple of months ago. Yes, I said months. She thinks I have only been watching her for a few weeks. I have watched this woman for months. I was so intrigued by her determination and dedication to become what I already know she is. Amazing. And one day, she will be famous and have her fans and all the fame and tours to go right along with it.

I believe in her just as much as she believes in herself. That right there is the sexiest thing about my little red. She believes in herself when no one else does. That is one of the hardest things to do in life. Especially when everyone supposed to love you left you, I know that feeling too well.

I opened and shut the door to her room so fast I couldn't bear to watch her see the things I had set up for her. I felt like I had overstepped, but she has nothing in all reality. And I can't let her live without all the essentials. So she can get mad and say it's too much. Be oh, well, she will get over it.

I make my way to my room and start to take off all my clothes, making my way to the shower. I turn on the hot and let the steam feel the space. I need to soak all these feelings away. She's here, and she's safe; that is all that matters to me right now. I will not screw this up and have her running scared.

I stand in the shower letting the hot water run over me as I start to feel relaxed; this is a feeling I haven't felt in months. I hated I could come home and shower when Piper couldn't. I know I worked hard for what I have; I earned everything I own. But so has she; she works her ass off, and yet no one will take a chance on her. Well, that ends now.

I get out of the shower and walk into my bedroom only to find a little red sitting on my bed with her hands in her lap, looking very small. She has found her clothes, I see, then I mentally smack myself for picking such little of a nightgown. I have never seen her wear such things. Well, such little of something. Fuck. I feel myself grow hard. Goddamn not now while I'm standing in a fucking towel. She will get the wrong idea, and she doesn't need any more reasons to think I'm a stalker who wants something from her. Oh, I want something from her. But I want her willing.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to say thank you for being so sweet to me and buying me everything I have never had before. I thought I would feel overwhelmed, but I feel very thankful for someone taking the time and effort to do nice things for me." Piper says as the pink starts to rise to her cheeks. She's so fucking cute when she blushes.

"That's okay; you are welcome in here anytime. If you have nightmares or anything, I'm just right across the hall. And you're very welcome. It's my pleasure to buy the things you need. I hope I didn't go overboard." I say with a chuckle

Oh my god, what is wrong with me!? Why am I so nervous? Oh well, it could be because I'm in a towel, and she's in a tiny ass nighty. Shit, I have to get her out of my room before I do something I can't take back.

She stands up and wraps her arms around my neck; she squeezes me, pressing herself onto my hard throbbing cock. Fuck me. I mentally facepalm myself for being so unprepared in this situation.

"Thanks again. You're a true lifesaver." She says as she walks to the door. I stand there open mouth, shocked as to what the fuck just happened.

"It's my pleasure, little red. Get some rest. Goodnight." I whispered and closed my door with a smile.

Shit, what the fuck was I going to do now?

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