Please Save me.

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     🚨  Warning this chapter contains violence and abuse.🚨

        🚨 If you can't handle that please skip to the next chapter. 🚨

   Happy reading my loves. xoxo

The car stops and I pray Sage knows where I'm at. If he don't find me I'm as good as dead. He wants to finish what he started, I can tell by the look in his eye. The car door opens and I suck in a deep breath waiting for the smack to the face. But nothing comes, he grabs me by my feet and unties them. What the fuck is he playing at here? Why was he doing this shit? Did he want money?

"What do you want?" I yell in his face. "Why are you doing this to me?" I scream.

"Answer me Greg what the fuck do you want?"

"You." He states.

Me, what the hell does that mean? I have never been his and I never will be his. He pulls me out of the car and walks me into this cabin. There was no one around for miles. Screaming wouldn't help me and fighting him wouldn't do anything but hurt myself. He was way bigger than me and a lot stronger. He was every bit of 6 foot and he wasn't a small man by any means. He had looked like he's been hitting the gym since the last time I had seen him.

"Come on and don't make me drag you, because I will." He hissed with venom in every word. Yeah well I know one thing is for sure he is definitely is still mad that I hit him in the balls and ran away. Like what was I supposed to do, lay there while he raped me? 

"Greg come on you don't want to do this. Please just let me go." I begged and pleaded with him but he wouldn't budge. He just grabbed me tighter and began to drag me inside.

He pulled me through the house and threw me on the bed. He cuffed one of my hands to one side of the bed and my other hand to the other. My arms were above my head and I knew they would start to hurt very soon.

He pulled something out from underneath the bed and strapped my legs to the bottom bed posts. I lay there with my arms and legs spread across the bed, hoping the floor would just open and swallow me. I wasn't going to let this man have his way with me after I have tried so hard to put that part of my life in a box and bury so deep I would just forget the pain.

"Now that I have you all to myself and you can't kick  me. I will do as I please with you." He laughs like a maniac and closes the door.

I look around and try to find anything I could use as a weapon. But he literally has nothing in this fucking cabin. A bed some covers and a bag with things I don't want to see I'm sure. I need to get the fuck out of here.

Greg walks back in and picks up the black duffel bag. He pulls out a belt, some rope and a fucking whip. I swallow the lump in my throat and try not to show any signs of fear. He looks at me and chuckles. Fucking pig.

"So do you really think you're going to get away with this? What happened to your family Greg? They finally see that you're fucking psychic? I taunt him and I know it wont end well for me, but I can't sit here and wait for what he's going to do to me. I just want it all to be over.

Sage taught me to be stronger, to not let people push me around. And at this moment I know he would tell me to keep my mouth shut. But I just can't. I want to know what drove him to this point. He turns around and hits me with the whip.

"Uhhh god damnit Greg." I yell out.

"You stupid bitch. They all left me because of you. They said I drove you to run away, they didn't want to do anything around the house. They are all so goddamn lazy, I don't need them anyways. Because now I have you. And once I whip you into shape, you will do anything I please." He spat.

Please god just let him kill me. I don't want to be his fucking slave, I would rather fucking die. Please Sage I need you so much right now. Please find me.

I lay here and pray for someone anyone to walk through the door and save me from this monster. At this point I don't care who it is. I need to leave now.

"No one can hear you, and no one is going to come looking for you. Do you think that little rich boyfriend of yours gives a shit about you? Your probability   just a good fuck and that's why he keeps you around. But I will find out for myself how good in bed you really are." He rips Sage's shirt open and I gasp. Fuck this is really going to happen. No, no, no. Not again. I can't live through this again.

Greg pulls my pants and panties down. He slaps me again with the whip and I refuse to cry out. He will not get pain and fear from me. I am stronger this time. I will beat him again, and this time I won't let it break me.

He slaps me hard across the face and I feel a tears deceive me and roll down my face. Dammit this mother fucker wasn't going to stop until I showed fear. I lay there naked staring at him begging him to not do this.

He gives me a evil smile and pulls down his pants. He climbs on top of me and I still refuse to break and give in. I turn my head to the side trying to get away from him. I toss my head back and forth and try to will him off of me. My mind is giving up and I can't take much  more.

He grabs my legs and strokes his cock while staring in my eyes. He lines his cock up with my sex and goes to push it inside of me. I close my eyes and try to squeeze my legs together. But it's no use, the ties are to tight and won't budge.

"Come on you no you want me as much as I want you." He laughs

"No! I will never want you. You're a fucking monster.!" I hissed

He full belly laughs now and looks up at me. He winks and the door was kicked in and there stood Sage. I closed my eyes and opened them a couple of times to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Sage was really here he found me.

"Get the fuck off of her." He bellowed.

Greg didn't have time to speak, another guy came in and grabbed him by the throat throwing him against the wall. That's when it hit me Sage was really here, tears stream down my face and I let out all my fear and pain I'd been holding in.

"Sage you found me. Oh my god you found me." I was full on sobbing now. I was so happy he didn't give up on me. I knew he would save me, I just didn't know if would be to late.

"Piper baby, I'm here, I'm here. Hang on let me untie you and we can go home." Sage checks my body and grits his teeth. He's going to kill Greg and I would not stop him. I wanted nothing more than to just go home. But that monster needed dealt with once and for all.

"Sage, what are you going to do with Greg?" I whisper not trusting my voice.

"He is being dealt with. Trust me and will never hurt you ever again." Sage kisses my cheek where Greg had slapped me. He wraps me in a blanket and carries me towards the car.

"Sage just take me home. I need a bath and some rest. Please let whoever that is, let him deal with it." I begged and I know it wasn't fair of me to ask this of him. He wanted to kill Greg ever since I told him what he he had done to me the first time.

"Okay baby, just let me run in and slit his fucking throat and I'll be right back. John knows had to handle the rest. Give me 2 minutes." He kissed my lips and was gone.

I knew this was going to happen and I can't in my heart feel sorry for Greg. I never want people to get hurt, but Sage would be doing the world a favor by getting rid of that monster.

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