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I lay here in Sage's arms and think about where my life has taking over the years and I couldn't be more grateful of this man I call mine. He has saved me over and over again, but he has never made me feel like I owe him. He loves all my dark and he see's all my light. He is the absolute best thing that has ever happen to me, I could spend forever trying to make it up to him but I wouldn't even come close.

I lay here lost in thought and my phone starts pinging. But no one has my number so I feel my heart start to race. Who could be texting me this late. 


Hey Piper I was just seeing if you wanted to get some coffee and maybe go shopping tomorrow? I know it's late but I could really use a friend right now. It's okay if you're busy, just let me know. 


Oh that sounds perfect. I  need to get a few things for the house anyways. I would love the company. 


Okay I'll meet you in front of Holts Studio around noonish? 


   Yes that sound good. See you then.


"Who was that babe? Are you okay? No one knows your number." Sage asks with a worried look on his face. I just smile up at him and brush my fingers down his jaw. 

"Everything is fine honey. It was Emma, Lillian's PA she wants to get coffee and go shopping tomorrow. So it looks like you're off the hook, I can get stuff for the house with some girl time. Which I have never had but how hard could it be?" I nervous laugh and Sage pulls me in to his chest and rubs my back. 

"Piper it's okay to move on with your life and make friends, just make sure them friends are putting as much on the table as you are, okay?" Sage says rubbing down my body making me even more relaxed. He always knew how to take the worry and constant pain away from my body. 

"Okay baby, I will try." I kiss him and turn off the lights. I was beyond excited for tomorrow and super nervous. But it sounded like Emma needed a friend and I remember when I was there and Sage walked into my life. If I could do half for her as Sage did for me, then I know she would be okay. 


The next day I pull up to Holts and see Emma standing out there with her blonde locks blowing in the wind and two coffee's. Well she must have been here for a while if she already got coffee. I park my car and make my way across the street, Emma is bouncing from one foot to the other and I can't figure out if she's excited or cold. 

"Piper there you are, I got us coffee's already I hope you don't mind. There is a store down here around the corner with awesome sales today. You said you need home decor right?" Emma smiles and hands me my coffee. 

"Yes, Sage said I needed to make our house a home and put some girly touches on it. I have no idea where to start though." We start walking and Emma snakes her arm through mine and she is practically skipping down the street. Is this how girls act? Are they always so full of energy and happy all the time?

"So we will get to buy all kinds of cute things today. I'm so excited to help you, house shopping is almost as fun as clothes shopping. So do you have anything big coming up that you would need new shoes or clothes for??" Emma nudges me and giggles, I think about it and it could hurt to tell her about the wedding. It would make my life so much easier to have a girl help me pick out my dress and flowers. Who am I kidding I need a wedding planner like now. 

"Well I am getting married in 5 weeks and I need a dress and shoes. Oh and flowers a cake, a place to have the wedding and a stinking wedding planner because there is no way I know what I'm doing." I say in one full breath and Emma stops walking. She turns to look at me like what I said was the most shocking thing. 

"You're getting freaking married in 5 weeks and have nothing planned? Who are you Piper Smith? Don't worry we got this, I know people and we will get this done I promise." Emma took out her phone and sent out a bunch of texts, her fingers moving fast and slick on her phone. I shake my head and smile, there is no way I could ever type that fast. 

"Yeah well Sage gave me 5 weeks and I have no idea why I would agree to such a short notice. But here I am trying to get our life together so we can start fresh and just be happy. No more stress or people who bring us stress." I give her a have smile because I did not want to go into all the details about what has happened in the last few months. I just wanted to bury them and move on from my past that will no longer haunt me. 

"Okay here is the store and listen if you ever want to talk I'm a good listener. By the look of your face I can tell you don't want to talk about it now. But if you ever change your mind I'm always here, I could tell we would get along the first day I met you. I need a good friend as well and I think you would make a awesome one. Come on lets go buy the store out." Emma grabs my hand and pulls me into the store. 

We walk in and there are living room set everywhere. I see wall art and mirrors in all shape and sizes, I was looking for a big throw rug for the piano room because it lacked color. I wanted a cool shaped mirror for the wall by the front door where we hang our keys and coats. But Sage wants me to do the house like I did our bedroom. 

So I walk deeper into the store and see a beautiful black and white picture of a girl with a guitar with a red rose in her hair. The rose was the only color and I knew it would look so good in the piano room. I got a big old grey door with 8 spots for pictures. It was a old door frame and they turned it into a picture frame. I loved the fact they save something old and restore it into something beautiful.   

I picked a big teal and grey with swirls rug to put under the piano and I knew that room is finished. I just need the pillows to match the rug for the couch and a teal blanket. It is all starting to come together, I just need to figure out what I want to put in the kitchen and living room. But so far the house will have a woman's touch and that's all Sage asked for. 

It will be nice to walk into the house and see some things of me laying around. It's just weird because I never decorated a bedroom now I'm decorating a whole house. It is a big change that's for sure. 

"Come I have a lady I want you to meet, she is the best of the best with weddings in Nashville. All you have to do is tell her what you want and she can make it happen." Emma says and we grab a cab to meet this wedding planner. My heart stops because I have no idea what I want our wedding to look like...


Aww so Piper has found a new friend to help her with the wedding. 

I love Emma so much!!!

But what is it that Emma needs to talk to Piper about that she keeps avoiding?

I just hope Emma is a good friend and not using Piper for the wrong reasons.

Vote, like, and share. Let me know what you think. Until next time babes.



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