Good Girl.

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I sit here at work waiting for Piper to text me news about her meeting but it never comes. I get up and start to pace the floor flexing my hands into fist trying to stay calm. I'm so excited because I know she will kill it with whatever she does. Piper has a light around her and when she walks into a room all eyes are on her, even if she doesn't see it I always do. People love her beautiful bright blue eyes and fire red hair. She is getting better at being more confident in herself but my little red is shy when it comes to other people..

 My phone pinged and I felt my heart race pick up. Please be Piper with good news, I can't keep pacing holes in this office floor. 


Hey honey I was just checking in because I knew you would be pacing the floor until I called. But I'm on my way home. See ya soon. ox  -PS

So I take it things went well? Please give me something Pips I'm dying over here. And definitely NOT pacing the floors. -SP

Ha! You are so pacing the floors and we will talk when you get home. -PS

Fine then I'm on my way. I can't wait any longer. See you. -SP

See you. -PS

That little minx is going to be the death of me I swear it. But at least she is okay and she didn't sound upset, well it was a text so she might still be upset. Shit. Maybe I will stop and get her flowers and chocolate they work well when you're upset and happy. Yes my girl deserves the world but let's start with flowers. 

I stop at the store and head home as fast as I could. I have never been so nervous before, not even when I asked Pips to marry me. There was nothing to be nervous about, I knew she was the one the day I laid my eyes on her. Maybe a little nervous she would say no, but not to ask her. I would give my last breath to Piper and she knows it. 

I pull in and Pips car is in the driveway and I barley get my door shut before Piper runs up and jumps in my arms. 

"I did it, I did it!!!" Piper peppers kisses all over my face and down my neck. 

"I am so proud of you Piper, I knew you could do it. Come on lets open some champagne and celebrate. Here these are for you." I kiss her cheek and set her to her feet handing her flowers and chocolate. 

"Did you think I was upset?" Piper gives me a side look. 

"No baby I wasn't sure what I was walking into, so I just wanted to be ready for anything. Besides I was looking for flowers before I knew a spring lived inside you." I smile and tucked a loose hair behind her ear and she blushes and cute pink. 

"Sage Michael you are the sweetest man I know." Piper takes my hand and puts it around her waist as we walk inside. She was the sweetest woman I have ever met as well. 

We walk into the great room and just smile at each other, there was no need for words. We knew what the other was thinking and I couldn't for the life of me be any happier then I am right now. On our wedding day absolutely, but that's not for 5 more weeks. Piper is smiling like a school girl who has done something very naughty. 

"What is it Piper? Do you want to tell me or show me?" I wink at her and she takes my hand and drags me up the stairs down the hall and to my bedroom.  I walk in and the room that was once black and grey is now covered in sunflowers and roses. It was no longer my room, it was our room. My heart swelled and I puffed out my chest trying not to ravish her right now. Fuck it why the fuck not. Right?

I pick Piper up and laid her on our bed, there's that word again. Our. It was a good day and it's about to be a even better night. I need her so much right now. 

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