Wkd to ily

431 18 4

Ianto swung on the swing in a desolate park taking large swigs from a bottle of blue wkd. It was way too sweet in his opinion ... he didn't care. Jack had died, ianto was sure it was for real this time. He wanted to get drunk and, by the looks of the three already empty bottles on the floor, it wouldn't take too long. Why was he drinking this poison in a park?.. he wanted to feel like a teenager again. He thought it might make him feel better, associating the situation with friends and laughter. It wasn't working, he was as sad and ever and now the world was slightly swimming... Swimming a lot... "Should prolly get my myself home" he muttered opening a fifth bottle on the edge of the swing set. Jack was gone... it was getting dark... so what if some dumb eighteen year olds jumped on him with a knife. He didn't care. Let them. Jack wasn't coming back. He hadn't woken up. It had been weeks.

"Oh god I loved you jack ... I still do ... and you'll never know" he told the night sky. "I love you so much you're my .. everything" he hiccuped and tossed the empty bottle onto the grass wasting no time in opening a sixth.

He should stop. He should. He slid off the swing and onto the floor, practically downing the bottle. He laid down and stared at the stars. He remembered doing this with jack...

————— flashback —————

Jack giggled and pointed to a star "naming that one after you". Ianto looked at it squinting slightly "why?". Jack turned to him "cause it burns the brightest. He pulled ianto into a passionate kiss beneath the stars. Ianto smiled against jack's lips. Jack tasted of mint and a smokiness the Welshman couldn't quite place. Jack pulled away "I love you ianto" he whispered. Ianto froze "I-I-I-I" he stuttered. Jack gave a sad smile "you don't have to say it back" he assured the younger man.

————— end of flashback —————

And he hadn't ... he hadn't said it back ... WHY HADN'T HE SAID IT BACK? He kicked his heels on the floor like a toddler having a tantrum before his eyes began to drift closed. Was he about to sleep or die? Either one was good, he decided.

"Wake up... oh god please wake up". Someone was shaking him. He groaned in the light of the day. He didn't care about some dog walking guy who found him in the park. "Ianto ianto come on please wake up properly". Oh this person knew him this was embarrassing. He blinked his eyes open fully his head pounding. He wasn't sure if it was because of the alcohol or the fact he'd been using a rock for a pillow... probably both. "Ianto ... you're awake! thank god!". His eyes focussed suddenly. That voice. It couldn't be. But it was! "Jack" he croaked springing up, not caring that the world around him spun. He pulled the immortal into a crushing kiss. They both looked like shit but neither of them cared. "I thought I'd lost you" jack admitted. "I thought I'd lost YOU" ianto laughed slightly hysterically. "I love you" ianto finally admitted after a moment of silence. Jack smiled and leant into Ianto's arms "thank you... I needed to hear that".

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