The trip (short fluff)

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"Jack ... sweetie... Oliver and Ellie really want to go on this trip..." ianto encouraged into his phone as he tidied the hub. Jack was already at home with the twins and was adamant they wouldn't be going on the treat trip for their school year. "There could be aliens and dinosaurs aaannnddd ..." he trailed off trying to think of the dangers. "THEYRE GOING TO A THEME PARK, LOVE, NOT JURASSIC PARK!" Ianto yelled exasperatedly into the phone, "Look... we'll talk about this when I get home".

He barely got one foot through the door before he was bombarded by the twelve year old twins. "TAAAADDDD .... dad says we can't go on the school triiiippp". Ianto sighed "I know I know... can I get through the door first?" He stated wearily. 

He entered the kitchen slinging his blazer over a chair. "Alright then jack... what's all this about". Jack sighed and turned around from where he was fussing over dinner, "it's ..... I hate them going anywhere without us they're so young and what if something happened like weevils orrr the world ending". Ianto smiled at his husband. "Look jack .... we're torchwood we  go TO the danger... you only see the bad parts of Cardiff and you think that's all it is... they would be perfectly safe... and if anything did go wrong we'd be the first to know." Ianto assured him. Jack looked thoughtful "maybe I could...", ianto cut him off immediately "-stop right there tiger... you are NOT going to follow the school minibuses... what if someone saw you ... they'd be a laughing stock amongst their classmates for having an over protective father" he ranted slightly. Jack looked crestfallen "could that really happen?". Ianto shrugged "I went to secondary school in Cardiff ... I know what it's like". Jack shifted slightly, "maybe they could go... only if the rift predictions are okay and the theme park is a safe distance from the rift... I don't want them falling through while riding a roller coaster or anything". Ianto had to admit the thought of losing his children to the rift made him shudder but he wanted the twins to have a good time.

"Plus" Ianto suggested slyly "if the rift predictions are okay for that day we can have the day off .... alone...". A small smirk crept onto jack's face. "I like the way you think ianto jones". "Ianto Harkness-Jones" the Welshman corrected his husband as he watched jack turn back to the dinner.

Ianto crept back into the hallway where, as he had expected, Ellie and Oliver were crouched on the stairs. Ianto gave them a small thumbs up and chuckled as they celebrated. Would jack pay for the trip out of torchwood's pocket? Probably. Did that mean ianto would have to work extra hard with 'emergency fund raising' in the tourist office? Absolutely. Did ianto care? Nope.

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