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Naruto managed to find Silver after she called for him again and dropped down in front of her, glaring at the woman. “Get away from her you weirdo!” he yelled, arms outstretched beside him. No one was going to touch a hair on his friend.


Kaida barely looked over at him as she sighed again. “I mean, with all things considering… okay… how about you?” she asked as she finally sat up and ran a hand through her hair.

Kinimaru took a step back and tilted her head slightly, then smirked and picked up her sword with no effort, and raised it over Naruto's head. This little punk, had gotten in her way.. It was rather amusing. 'Then you tell me, where is Kakashi? Or I'll gut you.' She voiced.

Silver sounded a whimper and slowly sat up.


Shikamaru shook his head and lowered his eyes. "All things considering.. Pretty good, I think.." He murmured.

Naruto didn’t flinch at the sword being aimed at his head. Instead, he smirked at her. “Haven’t seen him. He wasn’t at the funeral. You seem to know him well enough, where do ‘you’ think he is?” he asked. He was telling her the truth. He had no idea where his sensei was and he hadn’t seen him since he visited them all in the hospital after the battle.


Kaida gave him a small smile. “That’s good. Better than being uncertain, right?” she tried lifting the mood. Everything seemed to be spiraling so quickly. Her sensei mentioned that no one would know the results of the exams until a new Hokage was chosen, and that the council was going to be debating that now.

Sensing only the truth from him, Kinimaru slowly lowered her sword and lowered her head towards Silver some before turning her back to them. So, he wasn't here after all.. She had tried his house, the mountain, the training grounds, and found nothing. Where had he gone? Without another word, she began walking away from the kids.
They had a lot to talk about, her and the man who once fought as a anbu.


"Yeah.." Shikamaru stood, and moved to the other side of table, then sat down next to Kaida and gently pulled her into a hug, just because she looked like she needed one.

Once the woman was gone, Naruto fell on his butt, letting out a relief sigh. “Man… she’s scary…” he said and looked over at Silver. “Are you okay, Silver?”


Kaida jumped when Shikamaru gave her a hug, having zoned out again and leaned into him, wrapping her arms around him. “Everything is going to change now isn’t it?” she asked quietly, not expecting an answer.

Silver nodded some, then hugged him tightly. "I was scared you didn't hear me.. I seriously thought she was gonna kill me.." She murmured softly. Orochimaru didn't even scare her that much!


Shikamaru sighed quietly and pulled back just enough to look at her. "We'll get through it, together, and with our friends." He told her calmly, then made himself smile like an idiot, as to try and cheer her up some.

Naruto hugged her tightly, frowning at what had happened. “I’m sorry it took me a bit to find you, Silver. I was in the training grounds.” He spoke softly and rubbed her back. “Do you want to go home? If not you can crash at my place.” He offered.


Kaida smiled softly at his answer and nodded her head. At his smile, she found herself laughing and leaned into him to continue to hug. “Thank you, Shikamaru.”

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