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Shikamaru nodded some and slowly pulled her into him, and wrapped his arms around her. This was going to be one of the hardest things they would ever have to do.


Silver's eyes snapped open when the ball of chakra started to explode on Naruto and his clones and slowly stood. "Take a break, Naruto?" She asked, noticing a shift in his chakra. If he kept up like this, the nine-tails was going to come out.

Kaida wrapped her arms around him leaning into his body, giving him a squeeze. She had faith that he would be fine on his own, she would still worry until he was in her line of sight again, but she trusted him. “We’ll be okay.” She murmured to him.


Naruto panted and looked over at her as she spoke, then over at Yamato who was looking worse for wear and reluctantly nodded. “Sure.” He said, dismissing the clones and promptly fell to the ground, closing his eyes a little. He knew if he continued things could have gone bad, he could see it in Silver's eyes, and the way Yamato was looking he was putting a strain on everyone. But he had to find his won power and not rely on the fox within.

Shikamaru held her in his arms a bit longer before slowly pulling back and smirking some. "So, humor me, where have you been going when I go to check on Kurenai?" He asked curiously .


Kakashi poofed over to him just in time to allow the boy to lean against him, instead of landing on the ground, and sighed quietly.

Silver was glad he listened, and glancing at Yamato. "How're you holding up, captain?" She asked, slightly concerned.

Kaida smiled softly and kissed his cheek. She chuckled at the question and looked up at their tree. “Kouen's mate, Rina, is expecting, so I’ve been popping over to the den to make sure everything is going smoothly, it’s her first little.” She told him with a smile. “How is Kurenai doing?”


Yamato gave Silver a very tired smile. “I’m managing.” He said, though he was ready to sleep himself. He never had to do this for so long before. But he was he only one he knew who could do this.

Naruto grinned tiredly at Kakashi in thanks, closing his eyes now to rest.

Shikamaru smiled some when she told him, and nodded. "Kurenai's tired of me going to check on her, but I have to. I promised Asuma." He said with a small smirk. Someday, he'd want to make a family too, but not for a while.


Silver nodded lightly and sat back down. "Rest then, Captain." She said with a smile, knowing he was tired.

Kakashi brought Naruto over to the others and propped him up, letting him rest.

Kaida chuckled softly at what he told her. “I’m sure she still appreciates it though.” She murmured softly. While she didn’t mind the thought of having a family, memories of the fear of her childhood still lingered in her mind, but she knew it was different in this village where kekkei genkais weren’t feared or despised.


Naruto rested easily as he spread out on the ground after Kakashi put him down. He wasn’t sleeping per se, but dozing.

Yamato smiled at her, nodding his head. “I might just do that.” He agreed.

Shikamaru chuckled and kissed her forehead.


Silver chuckled and gently ran her fingers through Naruto's hair. She closed her eyes went back to meditating.

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