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Sakura fell quiet when the knock sounded, and nodded to Tsunade when she made a gesture to open the door, then did so. She bowed lightly before leaving the two the talk.


Shikamaru smirked lightly at her reaction. Had the barks been his imagination? Either way, he was glad to see her. "So, you're back?" He asked quietly. "Anyway you can tell her I'm waiting for her?" He asked with a sad smile, having missed them so much.

Naruto was talking with Jiraya about the next step in their training, but the Sage wouldn't let up. Apparently he had continue working on the tails. While he could fully control the first tail, he still had troubles with the second, and they would keep working on that until he decided it was time to continue. But right now, it was time to return home for a bit. There were things to do still and neither of them could ignore.

Kaida lowered her head a bit, her eyes apologizing for the interruption since she still wore her mask before entering the office and bowed to the woman. "It won't be like before; I won't lose control again..." she spoke softly. She knew how to control her Ice Release abilities now and how to use her emotions to influence what she did, instead of having them go berserk like two years ago.

Hara nodded her head as she sat on the ground. "Yes, she should be with Lady Tsunade right now..." she spoke quietly. Hearing his words, she went over him and gently nuzzled his legs. "I'll tell her. We've all missed you." She told him softly and headed to Kaida.

Tsunade smirked and nodded lightly to her words. "Kaida, I've got a proposal for you, since you're home." She said, trusting the kunoichi. "I know you have a team, but I'd like you to join team 7 for a short time, for a rescue mission. They'll need you to get their friend back, she's strong and could probably even rival Kakashi, but it's possible that she won't come back willingly." She explained.


Shikamaru knelt when she nuzzled him and gently pet her head. "Thanks, and welcome home." He said as he watched her go.

Kaida's brows pinched together at the proposition. "Who else is on the team or is going?" she asked curiously, wondering why they would need her of all people. Not that she doubted being able to help, but this sounded quite serious. She would agree to help either way, it was part of her duty after all, but had wanted to stay in the village for a period of time to get used to it again.

Hara found herself smiling as she headed back to the Hokage tower, easily climbing the wall up to the office where Kaida was and slipped in, making her way to Kaida's side and nuzzled her leg as she sat quietly.


The duo were finally nearing the gates, the sight a welcomed one for a change as the blonde smiled. He wondered how much things had changed since he was last there. "Glad to be back?" Jiraya smirked, knowing exactly what Naruto was feeling as he gazed upon the village. Every time he left for a period of time, he was always glad to be back.

"Yeah, its been two years after all." Naruto chuckled.

Tsunade lightly folded her hands together. "Naruto Uzumimaki, Sakura Haruno, and I'll be asking the sanin Jiraiya to be the one to keep an eye on things. Kakashi is currently recovering from facing members of the Akatsuki. A squad must contain at least three members to conduct a mission, and one of the members are off training." She explained. "I know you just got back, but time is running out."


Shikamaru leaned against the tree with his arms lightly folded, and closed his eyes as he waited.


Sakura was walking around by the gates for no real reason, except she had a.feeling she should be there. When she caught the sound of Naruto's vloce, she paused and glanced at him, finding herself smiling some. "Naruto!" She called, waving.

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