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Jiraya watched her, hoping she could isolate the negative feelings she felt. “Your negative feelings should be the thing to control what you do.” He began speaking quietly. “They should be acknowledged, and accepted, never forget them and don’t deny them. Try to become one with them.” He offered.


Kaida smiled softly as she lifted her head. “Morning, Shikamaru.” She spoke softly and rubbed her eyes a little. “How’d you sleep?”

Silver quietly listened to his words as she concentrated. The more she focused, her mark and seal gradually became visible on her neck and she could feel it burning. Silver  grit her teeth some but continued to focus. She had to be stronger than the mark and that snake if she ever wanted to face him.


Shikamaru gently placed a hand on top of her head. "Pretty good." He murmured lazily. "We're really making this a habit, aren't we?" He teased.

Jiraya noticed the markings appear and hummed a bit. “Relax through the pain, it is a buildup of your emotions, ease through them as you sort them. Go one by one, and if you need to stop to write them down, then do so, but remember, every emotion has a root. Only you can determine how it grows.” He tried to soothe her. He heard of the pain that came with the mark.


Kaida smiled softly chuckling at the tease. “We really are.” She agreed. “I don’t mind much, do you? Or do you prefer sleeping in a bed?” she teased back.

Silver pressed her lips together, listening to him. How the hell did someone relax through pain?! Silver focused on the stronger emotion that she felt towards the snake, which was hatred. She hated him more than she feared him.. Why? Because everything he did brought pain to her family and friends, he had taken the third away from her and the village, and he was the reason her mother wanted her to forget about the leaf.


Shikamaru chuckled and shook his head. "Its quieter here than at home." He murmured teasingly. "I dont mind the grass as a bed." He said, slowly getting up and offering her a hand up.

Jiraya sighed a little at her stubbornness, but let her continue. It was her choice to listen to him or not. He knew if Naruto was with them, he would say something to make her relax, but she needed to find her source of strength. “What do you feel most right now?”


Kaida smiled softly, taking his hand and standing up. “Well, my place is often quiet… you’re always welcome over if you need an escape.” She offered shyly, blushing a little.

Silver began to feel a shift in her chakra as she concentrated, and her breathing slowed as she managed to relax, having found her center. "Hate.." She murmured quietly.


Shikamaru smiled some and nodded. "I might just take you up on that offer." He teased some, giving her hand a squeeze before letting go. "I've got plans with Asuma-sensei later, probably wants me to train.." He murmured lazily.

Jiraya frowned at that, but nodded his head. “Hate for what?” he asked, hoping this wouldn’t backfire on him.


Kaida chuckled softly. “You’re welcome over any time.” She teased back lightly, giving his hand a squeeze in return. Laughing softly, she gently patted his arm. “I’m sure you’ll be fine, it hasn’t killed you yet.” She smirked a little.

Silver kept her focus, now that she had found it. "Orochimaru, mostly.." She as she slowly opened her now dimly glowing eyes, and smirked. Her chakra had definitely changed into more of the chakra she had used the night before. Question was, could she control it?

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