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"Give me three days..." Naruto panted from his spot as he looked at the woman. "I'll master it in three days! You'll see!" he promised, resolve falling over his face as he clung to the last of his conciousness.

Jiraya found himself chuckling as he walked up to her. "Teaching him that jutsu, yes. But he's had that dream long before I came into the picture." He told her, then grew serious. "You know what's inside him, his dream to become Hokage stems from that need to show everyone that his love for the village, despite all their actions comes from the heart." he picked up the boys headband. "You remember them, don't you? Their hearts, just like this kid here. Don't tarnish that image of them by whatever the snake has offered you." He spoke quietly to her.


Kaida nodded her head sheepishly. "Thank you." She spoke softly, both to Shikamaru and his mother as she followed him to the bathroom.

Tsunade blinked and glanced at Naruto, then smirked. "You said it! Men don't go back on their word." She said, only half listening to Jiraiya. After he had spoken, she acted like his words didn't phase her, and she gently lifted her necklace. "I'll give you a week, if you can master it by then I'll give you my necklace." She bargained.

Silver carefully helped Naruto stand, doing her best to ignore the old bat.


Shikamaru smiled some. "Stay right there a minute." He said before heading up to his room and grabbing a shirt, a pair of boxers, and a pair of shorts, then headed back down. "Catch." He said, lightly tossing the clothes to her.

Naruto gave the old woman a grin. "I'll master it before then!" he told her, accepting her deal before collapsing from exhaustion. Before his entire weight could be held up by Silver, Jiraya caught him and flopped him over his shoulder. "One week, Tsunade." He nodded to her, knowing if she saw him before then, his head would be beaten into a pulp.

"Come on, Silver, let's take him back to the hotel so he can rest." He spoke softly to the girl and turned, heading back.


Kaida easily caught the clothes when he called to her and smiled at him appreciatively. "Thanks again. I won't be long." She spoke softly and headed into the bathroom to wash up.

Silver sighed when Jiraiya caught Naruto and picked him up, bending down for a moment. She then glanced at the sage and nodded to his words.

"I want to borrow Silver, Jiraiya." Tsunade spoke, glancing at the sage. Silver paused and glanced at the woman.


Shikamaru nodded some, then joined his mom in the living room until she was ready.
Jiraya tsked a bit and looked down at Silver. "So long as she's fine with it. If she is, make sure she gets back to the hotel safely. This kid," he nodded to Naruto, "he won't be happy if she's not safe." He told them. "Is that alright with you?" he asked looking down at her.


Kaida, as she said, didn't take long washing. It felt nice to be clean, though she had originally planned on bathing after she got home. When she finished she dried and put on the borrowed clothes from Shikamaru, feeling odd wearing them as she braided her hair over her shoulder. She had folded her dirty clothes, setting them on the counter, unsure where to put them. When she walked out, she headed downstairs quietly. "I wasn't sure where you wanted my clothes... I just set them on the counter, I hope that wasn't a problem." She spoke softly when she saw Shikamaru and his mother, shifting a little.

Tsunade glanced at Silver, and the girl lowered her eyes before stepping closer to the sage. She had a feeling she knew why the woman wanted to 'borrow' her, and she wasn't sure she wanted to go with her..

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