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Kaida was grateful for the assistant and the blacksmith, glad that the man would help. When she asked how long it would take, she was told they would send word to her once it was finished. She thanked the blacksmith for his help, grateful that they would help out a stranger with a slightly odd request such as hers.


“Yes, that is the plan. Do you guys have an inn of sorts here?” Jiraya asked curiously, he wasn’t familiar with the area after all. Turning to Shikamaru and Kiba, he knew they would have to send word back to Tsunade. “Would you guys mind getting rooms for us and sending a message back home?”


Naruto nodded his head. “I see… well… we’ll leave you two to talk more… we should head back home anyway.” He told them and led Silver out of the office and away from the building. He didn’t like this anymore than she did, and they were being tighter lipped than ever.

“They’re really bothered by something…” he murmured quietly.

The assistant also thanked the blacksmith, then headed back to the hut with the girl. It was odd, but they had their own swordsmen and women, so he understood.


The medical ninja nodded. "Of course, when my assistant returns he can show you to the inn." He said, and Kiba smirked. "No need, we'll find it." He said as he stood and nodded to the sage and Shikamaru.

Akamaru stayed with Kana and Jiraiya while the boys headed into town to search for the inn, and it didn't take them long to find it.

A couple of days went by as the team waited for the kunoichi to wake so they could take her home, and Shikamaru had sent word to Tsunade about finding her and the shape she was in.

Shikamaru woke early that morning, having heard the familiar voice of the medical ninja shouting for them to hurry and come help him with Kin. She had woken up and she wasn't happy in the least.


Silver quietly followed him out and never let go of his hand. "No kidding.." She murmured.

As the days went by, Silver continued to train with Hara and Reyna and spend time with Naruto as she tried not to think about what was happening inside and outside of the village.

Tsunade was relieved to have received word that they had found Kin, and despite the shape she was in, the woman was alive.

Jiraya was the first to up into action, as he stayed at the hut. “Kinimaru, settle down, you’re safe!” he told the woman, hoping she would at least be lucid enough to recognize his voice. “You’re injured still. Just breathe.”


The moment the shouting started, Kaida had woken up instantly and hurried with Shikamaru from their room with the wolves, meeting up with Kiba and Akamaru as they went to help. Though, she didn’t know what use they would be in helping the woman calm down.


Hara was quite happy with the progress Silver and Reyna having in their training as the two continued to bond. The pups were starting to pick up human speech now. She was laying under Shikamaru and Kaida’s tree, soaking up the sun a little before picking up Reyna and going to Naruto’s again.

Naruto sighed a little as he shifted in bed, holding Silver close. It was hard to not pry into what Tsunade and Kakashi were hiding from them, but he was glad that Reyna was helping Silver out. He hoped everyone would be back soon, if to just give Silver some assurance of things being well, but it also meant he would be leaving her for an undetermined amount of time too.

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