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Silver stepped back and watched, hoping she was able to help. Even if just a bit.


Shikamaru nodded, blinking when she kissed his cheek and watched her head home. He then chuckled.and.lightly rubbed where she had.kisses his cheek with his thumb, turning and heading back into the house.

After poking the balloon at different angles, Naruto concentrated in forming his chakra into a continuous moving ball that hopefully wouldn’t explode. The chakra began to seemingly calm, but was still erratic as he tried to contain it.


Once home, Kaida put her clean clothes away and changed into something else, rebraiding her hair and did a quick cleanup of her small apartment. Off to the side, her wolves were lounging on their bedding whenever they decided to pop by on their own. “You smell like the boy, pup.” Kouen mused from his spot, letting out a yawn. “I know, I spent the night at his house.” She responded with a smile as she began washing his clothing. “I need to meet with the team, are you staying here all day?” she asked them curiously. “We plan on going hunting.” Hara piped up excitedly, only to get swat by Kouen's tail.

Silver smirked some, focusing on the chakra inside the balloon. "See?" She mused, glancing at him. "Now we can show the sage you completed the final stage." She said, happy for him.


Shikamaru soon left his house to go find choji so they could hang out for a bit.
Naruto grinned at her and glomped her into a hug. “Thank you Silver!” he laughed happily. At the suggestion of showing the Pervy Sage he shook his head. “No way! Now that I can do this, I’m going to master it fully!” he told her and stepped back. Concentrating now, he put chakra into his hand, visualizing if in the shape of a ball, the pure chakra crackling as he began poking it again. “I have to master this technique!”


Kaida soon went to meet up with her team, Shikamaru’s clothes neatly folded on her bed to wait while she trained.

Silver blinked, then smirked again and nodded. She wandered over to the tree where she had dozed off and closed her eyes, trying to focus on the chakra she felt last night.


When he found his friend, the two went to hang out like boys often did.
Naruto spent the day trying to perfect the skill, but was having a hard time getting it under control as the pressure and force of it made him unstable. Finally, as the sun began to set, he fell onto the ground, exhausted, wincing at the damage around him, adding to that of Silver’s. “Man… I’m beat…” he whined.


Training had gone well that day and before meeting up with Shikamaru, she popped home to wash up, putting on fresh clothes before heading towards their tree spot. Her teammates had teased her about being distracted all day, which she was, partially. She had a simple soup on in the apartment for a meal if he wanted some, and while she wasn’t a superb cook, she could make decent meals. It was a nice evening out as she came up to the tree.

Silver had done her own damage, trying to use the chakra she had used last night. Try as she might, she didn't get much of anywhere. She had gotten it to come for a short time, in which she had a cut going up her arm from one of her vines backlash on her, and this one has thorns.

Silver plopped down next to him, chuckling some. "Of course. You've been at it all day." She teased.

Shizune had been watching the children from a far, surprised to see naruto trying so hard to master the jutsu.

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