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**Smutt Warning**

Jiraya wrapped his arm tighter around her waist, pulling her closer to him as he deepened the kiss, slipping his tongue into her mouth. He found himself sighing in content, his other hand slipping into her hair to keep her close.

Tsunade allowed his tongue to explore her mouth while hers did the same with his, How long had it been since she'd had this kind of contact?

Jiraya relaxed as his tongue explored her mouth. He honestly didn’t remember ever having such for erupt in him before from merely kissing another. He tightened his arms around her, keeping her close to him.

Tsunade sounded a soft moan into the kiss when he deepened the kiss, and allowed her hands to drift down to his chest and slipped her hands into the opening of his shirt.

Jiraya groaned softly in response as he lightly slipped his hand under the hem of her shirt. He slowly withdrew his tongue and lightly nipped at her lips. “Tsunade.” He murmured against her lips, before trailing his own slowly down her throat.

Tsunade's breath hitched some when she felt his hand on her skin and sounded a soft moan when he trailed down her throat and her hand gently traced his chest, leaning closer to him and 'purring' in his ear before licking it, merely curious if his ears were sensitive or not.

Jiraya let out another groan, letting his hand slip up the back of her top as he explored her soft skin. He found himself chuckling as she licked his ear and gently bit down near her shoulder, not leaving a mark as he continued trailing his lips across her throat.

Tsunade shivered some when she felt his hand on her back and sounded a soft moan, her back being sensitive due to her big bust.  She pressed her lips lightly against his neck.

Jiraya tightened his grip around her, groaning deep in his throat, tugging her closer to him as he continued running his fingers over her back, slowly pulling the tie holding it together loose. He reached the underside of her jaw.

Tsunade tensed some and moaned when he did, leaning up to press her lips against his once more, in a heated kiss, then slowly pulled back and started to untangle from his hold, and stood. She lightly tugged his arm to pull him up and led him to the bedroom.

Jiraya groaned at the heated kiss and to respond when she pulled back, much to his disappointment. He let her get up and followed when she tugged on his arm, following her to the bedroom with a half-smirk. He closed the bedroom door behind him and gently tugged her back to him, kissing her.

Tsunade obliged when he tugged her closer after closing the door and proceeded to lightly pressing him against the door and deepening the kiss.

Jiraya rested his hands on her hips and with ease, picked her up, holding her close to him so she was almost flush against him.

Tsunade tensed some when he picked her up, and wrapped her arms around the back of neck. No one had ever picked her up like that before, and it surprised her, but she didn't break the kiss.

Jiraya smirked lightly, giving her a reassuring squeeze and softly broke the kiss, pecking her lips. “You can trust me, you know.” He murmured softly, kissing her cheeks softly. “I won’t do anything you don’t want." He trailed his lips over her cheeks and kissed up to her ear, gently nuzzling her.

Tsunade pouted some when he spoke and nodded. "I.. Trust you.." She murmured softly, placing a kiss to his bare chest where the shirt had been moved some. "Put me down on the bed.." She murmured.

Jiraya nodded his head and kissed the top of her head. “Okay.” He spoke softly and kissed her tenderly, easily walking over to the bed and gently set her down, hover over her slightly.

TemptationsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang