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Naruto smiled softly at her kissing her nose as they lounged in bed. “So, tell me about the pup you pick.” He asked softly while they waited for ramen. He wanted to know what she did while he was in his walk with Shikamaru.


Kaida let out a small squeak when he picked her up, before she started giggling. Once he joined her on the bed, she curled into him happily, nuzzling their noses together lightly and curled an arm around him. Her hand lightly rested on the back of his neck.


Silver blinked when he asked about the pup she chose, and shook her head. "She chose me." She corrected with a small smirk. "She's the runt of the litter, with black and white fur and little grey patches, a heart shaped white patch where her heart is, and she has a blue and green eye." She told him. "I named her Reyna."


Shikamaru chuckled at her squeak and just laid there, contently, honestly a little worn from the day they had.


Naruto smiled as he listened to her talk about her pup. He was super happy she found one and kissed her forehead lovingly. “She sounds adorable, like you.” He grinned.


Kaida gently ran her thumb over the skin of his neck, glad they had a chance to relax after the full day they had. And she bet Shikamaru needed a mental break from everything they found out too.


Silver giggled shyly and nodded. "I had picked her up to put in my lap because her siblings wouldn't let her come, and when I looked at her, it felt like she was looking inside me." She explained softly.


Shikamaru allowed himself to slowly fall asleep against the girl he loved.


Naruto found himself chuckling softly. “She sounds perfect.” He spoke softly. “I can’t wait to meet her properly.” He smiled, meaning those words. They would, of course, have to get the apartment ready for the pup.


Kaida gently kissed his forehead when she noticed him falling asleep and smiled softly. There was no one else in this world who she would love more than boy laying next to her now.


Silver smiled and nodded, blinking as there was a knock at the door and the delivery guy announced himself.


Shikamaru nuzzled closer to her when she did.


Naruto blinked a bit too before chuckling and pressed a kiss to her nose as he got up, grabbing his coin bag and opened the door with a smile as he paid for their meal and took the bag from the man, wishing him a good night before closing the door and returned to the bed


Kaida smiled at him softly and closed her eyes a little.


Silver was happy when her food arrived, and kissed Naruto's nose in thanks before blowing on her noodles and slowly began to eat.


Grinning he sat down next to her and began eating. “You really are adorable you know that, Siver?” he laughed softly.


Silver blushed when he spoke, and nudged him lightly as to not make him spill his ramen. "You're the only one who can say that without getting hit." She said softly with a smile.

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