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Once Kaida finished healing herself, she sat next to him. “I feel a little useless…” she admitted staring over the village. There were a few half standing structures left in the wake of being leveled. Many people were going to be homeless.


Naruto smiled at her softly and leaned forward, kissing her tenderly in response to her request. He rested his hand over her cheek to have her close. “I’ll be back,” he promised, then gave her cheeky grin. “I know you’d find a way to bring me back just to kick my ass if I don’t.” he teased her softly. “Besides, I have a big promise to keep for you, I can’t just let go unfulfilled.” He murmured and kissed her forehead lovingly. “I love you, take care of Kin. I’ll back.” He promised before standing and heading off to Pain.

Shikamaru stifled a frown and held her hand. "I know the feeling.." He murmured. "You could at least go down there and help tend to the wounded. Me, though, I can't do anything but watch as Naruto fights Pain all by himself." He said quietly, giving her hand a squeeze as he made a point.


Silver couldn't help but smile at his words, and his grin, as he spoke about her finding a way to bring him back to kick his ass. When he started to walk away to meet Pain, she slowly picked up Kin's headband and carefully tied it around her eyes. "Mom.. I love you.." She murmured, before going to get Sakura so she could heal the woman.


Pain casually approached Naruto, looking pretty smug for a guy who didn't have any reinforcements. "This saves me the trouble of having to look for you, Naruto Uzumaki." He said. "Surrender peacefully, you're death will ensure peace." He said calmly.She

Kaida gave Shikamaru’s hand a squeeze in return, but shook her head a bit. “I would… but I’m exhausted… Kouen had to tap into my chakra in order to summon both of us, plus the fight and healing both of us, I’m at my limit with chakra.” She admitted softly. “Plus, Naruto should have at least two people to watch out for him.” She teased lamely.


Naruto calmly walked towards Pain, and gave him a bit of a feral grin. “Well, you won’t have to look far, now. But surrendering isn’t on my list of things to do, sorry.” He grinned. “Besides, I have a list of people I need to trounce your ass for.” He laughed.

Shikamaru chuckled quietly and leaned against her lightly.


Pain engaged a fight with him, since he wasn't willing to go down peacefully.

As they fought, Pa tried to get with Ma to do their "duet" genjutsu that they used when they found the Deva's with Jiraiya and Kinimaru, only Pain recognized their stances and immediately went after Pa, leaving Ma and Naruto to watch in horror as he struck the frog.

Just as Naruto went to attack him, he used the jutsu that allowed him to pull objects towards him and caught Naruto by the throat, only to slam him down into the ground and quickly flip him over and pin him by stabbing his blade into his hands, then used his Rinnegan(?) to force him out of sage mode.

Silver watched in horror and got to her feet, only for Sakura to grab her arm. "Silver, no. If you go out there you'll die." She said quietly. "After everything he's done to make us suffer.. He's not getting Naruto too." She murmured quietly, her blind eye having a blood tear run down her cheek as she pulled away from Sakura and calmly walked towards the center of the leveled village.

Kaida leaned back against him as they watched from the mountain and found herself gripping Shikamaru’s hand at the sight of what was happening.


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