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Naruto had his arms wrapped around her, not in a vice grip, but one that would let her know that he was there, providing her with a safe place, like he always had. He wasn't quite sleeping or dozing, but his grip did tighten as a reassurance that she was still in his arms.

Kaida and Kouen both turned towards the girl, both still alert.

Jiraya noticed the movement of the two and shifted his gaze to Silver, wondering what she was seeing right now or what she was thinking.

Sakura had fallen asleep right there next to Naruto, unaware of the waking of their friend.

Silver blinked when her vision began to clear, but she didn't try moving. She knew better. She could feel his arms around her, just tight enough to know he was there. Why was he trying so hard to bring her back?

Kaida found herself smiling a bit at this. "You know, these two and Master Jiraya only want your happiness, and they believe that being with them will help with that." She spoke softly to her as to not disturb the rest of the others, meeting her eyes calmly.

Naruto rested his head against Silver's, the familiarity of her in his arms a comfort that he hadn't experienced in so long, and he hoped it would help bring her some comfort as well, like it used to.

Silver glanced at her as she spoke, then lowered her eyes. "My happiness.." She murmured softly. "It'll take a lot more than that.. " She murmured softly, then glanced at Jiraiya.

"Koga's dead. Orochimaru killed him.. He also opened my eyes to the truth." She said quietly. "I've given up my happiness so I have nothing to think about except killing him, with my own hands."

Jiraya sighed a bit and walked over to her, kneeling in front of her and gently rested a hand upon her head. "Hatred isn't going to help the pain, Silver, it will destroy you." He told her sadly. "I'm sorry for your loss, and I'm sorry you had to find out about it on your own. What truth did he tell you?"

Kaida shook her head at the girl, she felt pity that she had locked that part of her away. It meant that she was denying a part of her that would make her stronger. "You're an idiot for denying that part of you. What drives you shouldn't be hatred, it should be the desire to protect those you love." She scolded her.

"My hatred isn't driving me.." She murmured, looking at the sage. "It's just giving me a reason not to return the village." She murmured, lowering her eye. "What's driving me is the fact that as long as he's alive, he'll keep coming and I'm not strong enough to keep me out of my head.." She murmured weakly, slowly brining her hand to her covered eye.

The whole reason why she was left, was to protect her loved ones. Even if it didn't seem like it. She'd lock her heart away if that's what it took.

“You don’t need to worry about us, Silver… we’re resilient, but we’re stronger when we’re together." Naruto spoke quietly, slowly opening his eyes. “We protect each other and grow together, that’s what it means to have friends.” He smiled against her head. “I’ll teach you again if I have to…” his weak threat was meant to give her a smile.

Kaida just shook her head, while she was starting to understand her, she still thought it was foolish.

Jiraya smiled a bit at Naruto’s words, the boy was sometimes wise beyond his years. “Are you going to fight us again?” he asked softly.

Silver closed her eye when she heard Naruto speak, and shook her head when Jiraiya spoke. "As much as I don't want to go back.. I don't have enough energy to fight." She murmured quietly. "I'm still recovering from trying to fight him by myself.." She admitted quietly.

TemptationsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora