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Naruto grinned at her, nodding as he slowly untangled them and offered her a hand.

It didn’t take them long to get to the training grounds, where they only saw Yamato standing there waiting for them. “Where’s Kakashi-sensei?” he asked curiously, wondering if he had accidently hurt the man too much yesterday.

“Sensei has gone off on a mission with Team Asuma as well as Kaida and her wolves.” Yamato told them both. “He's entrusting me with the rest of your training.” He smirked at the end of this, causing Naruto to grin, knowing that Yamato would help him.

“Right.” Naruto nodded his head and turned to Silver. “Be careful okay, I don’t have much control over this.” He kissed her forehead gently.


Kaida and the wolves followed the others until they came to a clearing so they could go over Shikamaru’s plan. It would be the first step until they met their targets. They memorized everything he told them, having to since it would be imperative for them to keep everything in mind. First thing first though, they had to find the two.

Kouen and Mikan still had the scent of the one they fought before and led the group to the area where Asuma had been killed. “Their scent is faded, but there is still a trace of them here." Mikan told them as the two spread out, taking in all the scents around.

“They headed this way.” Kouen alerted them, a frown on his face as he looked towards the path. “It seems they’re headed towards the village…” he mused and looked towards the humans.

Silver went with Naruto after they ate, blinking when she didn't see Kakashi around, but Naruto asked before she had the chance.

She nodded to Naruto when he spoke and smiled some when he kissed her forehead, then went to sit by Yamato. She knew he would be able to tell she wasn't well, but maybe he'd let it go, this once?


Shikamaru easily explained his plan, even including Kakashi into his webbing, which was impressive.

Ino had transferred her mind to that of an owl so she could get a good view of the ground from the sky. However, when Kakuzu seemed to catch on to her technique and went back to her own mind, gasping when she came to.

"Kouen's right.. But the one with the mask knows we're here." She said quietly.

Naruto nodded his head once Yamato got into position and with two clones began working on the attack. It was hard to concentrate on it. It either blew up or worked, never any else. It was unstable.

Yamato looked over at Silver when she joined him, frowning a bit. “You should be resting more…” he told her softly, hoping she wasn’t pushing herself.


Listening to everything Kaida nodded her head as she slowly pulled her brother's mask off for the moment. “So, shall we put your plan into action then?” she asked softly, looking over at Shikamaru.

“We can easily catch up to them if we start.” En mentioned quietly. “Head them off before they even come close to the village.”

Silver glanced at him and shook her head. "I know, but I spent all day yesterday in bed.. I wanted to be here with him, besides, maybe I can help." She said with a sheepish smile.


Kakashi nodded to the suggestion and glanced at the group. "We move, now." He said calmly.

Yamato smiled at her and nodded his head. “He’s lucky to have you, I haven’t seen him this upbeat before or so at peace.” He mentioned softly.

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