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Jiraya watched her go and shook his head as he headed to his apartment where he unpacked and decided to relax a bit before going to see Silver and Naruto.


Naruto smiled at her until he heard her words and without another word, picked her up again and ran home. But he knew the ANBU would know where they were going and went a different route after making clones of him and Silver with one set going to the apartment, while he took Silver to the den. It wasn’t often he went to the wolf den anymore, but after Kaida had showed it to him one day he knew it would be the safest place for them.


Kaida cracked her eyes open and leaned up, kissing the underside of his jaw, nuzzling him softly. “Hey.” She murmured softly.

Tsunade made her way to the elder's office and knocked on the door before entering. "What the hell were you thinking? Everything that girl had been through, and how far she's come since we brought her back. You're going to destroy that if you keep this up!" She said. The elders glanced at her with surprise. "Tsunade, we never know what is going through her head. She could've just as easily joined him." The woman said, and Tsunade frowned. "She is not Kin, and even she's changed. Silver is honestly trying to find a balance."

"And what if there is no balance?" The man asked.


Silver watched as the woman followed the clones, and held onto Naruto as he ran.


Shikamaru smirked some and kissed her forehead. "Hey.. What damage do you say to take-out?" He asked, knowing neither of them really wanted to cook tonight.

It didn’t take long to reach the den where they were greeted by the pack, looking at the curiously. “Naruto, Silver…” Kouen greeted them, “Did something happen?” he asked them, nodding for the teens to come inside. Everyone was lounging around, lifting their heads to see who had joined them.

“Sorry for dropping by, Kouen, but we have a bit of a situation…” Naruto chuckled weakly, and watched as the alpha smirked a bit.

“You know you’re safe here, feel free to lay low. I can send someone over to check on the apartment later.” Kouen offered, chuckling as he went over to Rina and laid down.


Kaida chuckled softly and kissed his cheek. “You read my mind. What do you feel like? Some barbecue, ramen, for soba noodles?” she asked curiously, nuzzling their noses together.

"If you do this, any trust she finally out into the village will vanish, and so will she." Tsunade spoke. "She'll come back with a fury worse than Kin's and then what? We already have Pain and the Akatsuki to deal with." She said calmly. "Why didn't you just her go the first she ran off? We told you then what would happen if she slipped too far into her mother's darkness." The woman spoke.

It took everything she had to hold back, since they were the elders, but even she wanted to smite them. "You two are the reason she left to begin with! She had to go through the same treatment as Naruto, as far as how people looked at him, and she had one person to go to. You took that from her." She said coldly, almost wishing she would've taken Jiraiya on his offer to come with her.


Reyna was asleep with her Rina, after the training and bring lightly scolded for earlier.

Silver smiled shyly at the alpha. "It's the anbu, something happened earlier and now they think they have the right to restrain me. I haven't done anything.." She murmured, leaning against Naruto.

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